All the roads are dirt and not as straight as map suggests. Blocks are all ramshackle. Rubble heaps with weeds and trees all over town. Most keep chickens, rabbits, fruit trees, dogs, cats and have many sheds and shacks. Empty lots are ramshackle disorganised gardens with heaps of rubble. The town is a bit short on ladies and no amount of bush dances in the church have helped.
Town Buildings
Police Station - Sergeant Bulldog and Gumtree Bill run the joint and mostly lock up drunks and drive off punks. They run a small prison and a armoury for when the whole town need to be rallied for battle
Post Office - Mr Kookaburra runs the place with a young apprentice koala and also acts as banker and town crier. He is kinda close to a town leader which nobody wants the responsibility of
Waggontrain Station - where traders come to stay and fortify themselves from raiders. Run by Tammy and Shandy a elderly lady couple and who look after local orphans and are gossiped about by townsfolk
School House - run by Mrs Magpie a war widow, gossip, busybody and moral zealot who educates youths for free until they reach puberty or are very talented. She also teaches music and French a mystical language of the ancients supposedly used by the frog people across the sea
Weather Station - Run by Jack Sundance and uses the infernal engine to create rainfall over the village and surrounding area
Mannahill Hotel - Run by a older Koala couple Ron and Spazza who employ all kinds of oddball characters like Dick a bullterrier bouncer, Bazza a dingo cook and a bunch of humans Dan, Corey, Cathie and Derrin
Church - a multi faith church used by travellers run by Father Conner who has to be more openminded than he would like, a practitioner of Christlam
General Store - Run by Mr Mac and his wife Fanny and his rabbit shop boy Donny who delivers parcels by bicycle
Wool Sheds - run by Wooly Sam a merino ram man who keeps his wool only herds very happy and wins all the wool prizes and contracts. He hates the feral goat gangs who molest his sheep. He also is the town barber and treats all the children for lice and worms with foul baths and drenching every season
Other Town Characters
Gonzo the Goanna - a lazy scalliwag drunk who sleeps in the sun and begs for food. The kids find it easy to get him involved in crazy schemes
Bonkers The Wombat - a war survivor who is a bit jumpy and hates canetoads. He maintains the emergency water supply and brews beer and distills "medicine"
Bonzo Billy Bluegum - a naughty koala kid who leads all the local brats. His dream is to smoke a pipe or cigarettes like a big boy
Ranga McMuggins - Bonzos best buddy a slightly crazy daredevil and pest
April Bottlebrush - Bonzos love interest but she dreams of moving to stardom in Broken Hill. She is a star student and lives with Ron and Spazza in the hotel
Shazza Bluebottle - A retired barmaid and former beauty. Now runs a farmstead and still turning down suitors
Max Cowtip - the richest farmstead holder always in town
Gordo Chumwaggon - the poorest farmstead holder with his creepy inbred nudist family
Jacko Saltbush - a salt of the earth short but doughy bearded farmer who helps everyone and saves the town at least once a year, best friends with Mr Kookburra and Bazza. Married to Darlene who helps Mrs Magpie with the school. His kids Jonno, Stevo and Donna who are well behaved, heroic and sometimes save Billy
Bazza - a koala who knows how to fix stuff and used to explore ruins as a youngster. He is always pining for a wife since his disappeared and he looks after Billy Bluegum and And Ranga Muggins because they were expelled from school
Uncle Long Claw - a old tribal goanna who acts as the medicine man but he doesn't like the responsibility and wishes there was a closer better doc instead of the one in Cockburn. He is ashamed of his nephew Gonzo and wanders around town preferring to sleep in various secret burrows. It is a habit since he survived the goanna tribe massacre
Stringybark Sam - a tall galoot who fixes stuff and drinks lots. The kids tease him because of his stutter and narcolepsy. Sometimes you find him asleep or in a drunken stupor in funny places
Jocko McGuffin - a black highland terrier farmer with his wife Moira. He plays the bagpipes every morning and talks about the mythical land of Scooterland and is always hunting several mythical beasts one called the Haggis he wants to eat and the Sporran he want to skin and make a hairy mirkin purse. He is hard to understand at times and has several kids Mandy, Gordon, Patrick, Fiona and Bonny who all speak Strayan normally like everyone
d10 Local Ruins
1 Old mine
2 Farmhouse
3 Tool Shed
4 Wrecked land vehicle
5 Farm vehicle shed
6 Small bomb shelter
7 Farmstead buildings
8 Wrecked caravan
9 Prefab smart house
10 Crashed aircraft
Extra aussie junk
d100 Local Junk
01 Piles of tin cans
02 Hundreds of rusty beer cans
03 Soft drink bottles
04 Brown and green beer bottles
05 Tyres
06 Car door
08 Sheet of corrugated iron
09 Rabbit trap
10 Cow or horse skull
11 Battered old sofa
12 Tennis racket
13 Cricket ball
14 Football
15 Broken tv
16 Portable radio
17 Long life self heating chiko roll
18 Pack of PK chewing gum
19 Packet of ciggarettes
20 Beamie hat
21 Stockmans hat and long coat
22 Stockwhip
23 Holden cap
24 Car badge
25 Australian flag (fire proof)
26 Motorcycle helmet
27 Hammer
28 Golf club
29 Intact pintglass
30 Longneck of beer
31 Binoculars
32 Jerrycan of longlife petrol
33 Big knife
34 Hatchet
35 Broken plow
36 Broken rowboat or canoe
37 Parachute
38 First aid kit
39 Sewing kit
40 Inflateable sheep
41 Shotgun shells 2d6 in bag
42 Flare
43 Gas station sign
44 Toilet seat
45 Rusty roll of barbed wire
56 Pushable lawn mower
57 Broken vacuum cleaner
58 Toilet brush
59 Porno mag
60 Sparkplugs
61 Leaking chem cells
62 Broken hydrogen cell
63 Geiger counter
64 Toy atomic missile
65 Toy ray gun
66 Footy team scarf
67 Tribal spear
68 Shovel
69 Machete
70 Painting of sad clown
71 Kangaroo ball sack coin purse
72 Crocodile skin boots
73 Superglue
74 Wooden fruitcrate
75 Packet of seeds
76 Long life self heating meat pie
78 Goonbag (box of wine)
79 Bottle of Bundy rum
80 Beer brewing kit
81 Crate of empty bottles
82 Cocky cage
83 Dog collar
84 Brut33 deoderant
85 Tin of mixed nails, screws, nuts and bolts
86 Wristwatch
87 Tin of sardines
88 Tin of teabags
89 Billy cooking pot
90 Cigarette lighter
91 Roll of dunny paper
92 Nude playing cards
93 Palmolive dishwashing detergent
94 Jar of vegemite
95 Akubra hat
96 Plastic bunyip moneybox
97 Sealed tin of Weetbix
98 Family size tub of vaseline
99 Toy plush koala
100 Packet of disposable Bic razors
d100 More Crap
01 Packet of long life sausages
02 Loaf of long life white bread
03 Can of spray paint
04 Entrenching tool
05 Phantom comics
06 Concrete aboriginal garden ornament
07 Garden hose
08 Crayfish trap
09 Fishing net
10 Denim shorts
11 Ugg boots
12 Mosquito net
13 Home made shank
14 Bar of solvol soap
15 Bottle of pimple cream
16 Genital wart treatment
17 Stuffed canetoad wearing flying helmet
18 Stuffed canetoad riding a bycycle
19 Ayers rock snowglobe
20 Sydney opera house snowglobe
21 Harbour bridge snowglobe
22 Can of anti insect spray
23 Can of fly spray
24 Rubber dog turd
25 Rubber vomit
26 Longlife mini pavlova cake
27 Digital camera
28 Holden Crimadore model car
29 Tin of milo
30 ANZAC medal
31 Packet of Vegemite flavoured chips
32 Box of pizza shape crackers
33 Eureka flag and white hood
34 Kilo of Coon cheese
35 Set of manacles
36 Mining pick
37 Six pack of VB
38 Blue singlet
39 Red&black flannel shirt still in packet
40 Pair of black ripple soled boots
41 Pair of desert boots
42 Boyscout uniform
43 Landmine
44 Gasmask
45 Atomic powered electric guitar
46 Electric shaver
47 Box of longlife nano-thin condoms
48 Dog sterilization pills
49 Comedy wig and moustache
50 Box of dangerous fireworks
51 Santa costume
52 Permanant marker
53 Charity donation tin
54 Union newspaper
55 Scratch lottery tickets
56 Electric drill
57 Script for episode of soap opera
58 Box of bingo cards
59 Billiard ball
60 Heroin pnumatic injector
61 Monopoly set
62 Collection of 6d6 smurf figurines
63 Box of long life fish fingers
64 Pink fluffy ostrich doll
65 Volunteer bush fire fighter helmet
66 Long rain coat
67 Skateboard
68 Box of smarties
69 Trunk with human corpse chained inside
70 Flurescant leg warmers
71 Triffid seeds in foil pack
72 Two person tent
73 Beach umbrella
74 Stick of dynamite
75 Sunglasses
76 Beach towel with flag design
77 Pair of thongs
78 Atomic powered beer cooler
79 Laser tattoo pen set and stencils
80 Cricket Almanac
81 Wizard or skull bong
82 Pound of hash
83 Robot head occasionally still talks
84 Wallet full of ID cards
85 Pair of footy boots
86 Box of Caramello Koalas
87 Packet of Tim-Tam biscuits
88 Fishing rod
89 Boogie board
90 Bottle of sunblock
91 Bottle of coppertone tanning oil
92 Army weekly ration pack
93 Packet of firelighter briquettes
94 Portable atomic BBQ
95 Tin of family assortment biscuits
96 Tin of baked beans
97 Mullet comedy wig
98 Denim vest with heavy metal patches
99 Cricket pads, bat and helmet
100 Stubby holder
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