
Sunday 15 September 2024

d12 Divine Manifestations of Wrath

Pissed off a god? It happens.
Its always eye gems in temples

Gods are notoriously lazy and hide lots so when a god is really mad it can be a bit minimal effort. Might be indiscriminate like a curse or a monster that plagues a region and divination reveals who pissed the god off and is to blame. 

Maybe atonement might be possible to negotiate with a cult before the god takes it personally,

You might not roll rather use as a sequence of escalation like a doom factor
If manifestation is defeated just go to the next higher result

d12 Divine Manifestations
1 A specialist order of assassin cultists is given a divine order to punish a heretic. Most of religion don't know these guys exist
2 A cult champion with their followers will receive a quest to punish the wicked one, inspired by a vision
3 A church leader has a vision from a messenger of the god and the church declare the target a enemy of the church and leverage political power and reach to appease the god. They will use powerful magic to send curses and powerful enemies
Call a crusade of warriors and desperate pilgrims to fight the enemy of god, inspired by a messenger from the godhead offering special bonus rewards in the next life
5 A ruler is sent a vision of the divine and they organise a group of knights to make an oath to quest against the gods named enemies
6 A monster or spirit or lesser minion of the god is sent to spread mischief while avoiding confrontations 
7 A supernatural minion from the army of the god is sent to punish the wicked (possibly a dead hero might return to life for one more job)
8 A divine personal servant of the god is sent to punish the foe from the gods household, a lesser deity or greater spirit often it takes over a statue for a material form
9 Beast form of the god varies depending on the deity and preferences of pets but gargantuan size from legend. It can be a hybrid or monstrous creature manifesting the gods wrath
10 Elemental, energy or weather phenomena as abnormally larger than normal 
11 Human form (may take the body of a cultist) has standard attributes of an avatar and will in person punish enemies
12 Titanic form will rampage looking for the enemy and causing damage to people's property in the way


  1. "Damn it, Belgalf! If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, don't piss off the gods! Put that back!"

    1. the gods must want it stolen if they made it out of valuable stuff

      nobody robs the dung god


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