
Tuesday 17 September 2024

Chagrinspire Secret Rail Network 4 Orc Pain Train

Orc Pain Train Engine LE
This train golem is being operated by orcs who have decorated it with lots of rusty spikey things, blood, sheets of metal, chains and restrained dead and living enemies. They have taken many armoured and armed cars but the upkeep for them is costly and used sparingly. The Black Sphere operated orc troops in the past but like orcs did in the age of monster kings they got fed up and rioted). Various trains accept the orders of orcs and some outsider orcs of different lineage have taken some trains. Orcs fight each other.

d12 Current Route & Destination
1 Upper Chagrinspire - into upper levels of Chagrinspire to fight local factions
2-3 Central Line - into the mid-levels of Chagrinspire
 to fight local factions
4-6 Lower Line - into the ground and first four levels of Chagrinspire
 to fight local factions
7-8 Underground Line - into sub-ground industrial and goblin mine areas
9 Wasteland Express - to raid for supplies and recruit more orcs
10 Gatehouse Level Loop
11 Underland Express - through the three deep caverns
12 Orc CIty - an underground utopia for ancient orc civilisation 

Barbarian Orc Engine CN 
Wilderness nomads with druids or shaman, with stone weapons. Ride wargs or sabretooths or another Pleistocene beast, out to kill wizards and magicians. Having a great adventure has brought families to join them with plants and animals from home. Many eventually load up with captured weapons and wizard heads and return home to glory or merge with another faction after a few generations. Some non orcs are tribe members even human barbarians and abhumans. They abandoned slavery and now kill slavers and assimilate slaves they save 

Hell's Orcs Engine LE 
Hell minions and use arcane magic and steel more and may have features from the Diablo Express trains and even cars from them. Hell, worshipers assured they will be abishai and work their way up. Bring imps, hellhounds and devils. Many have been to hell and say its awesome with eternal war and suffering everywhere. They seek any captive with a souls they can steal their souls and sell their bodies. Some they force to make oaths to hell and brand them as hell slaves

3 Evil Lord's Orc's Engine NE 
Serve wizards or the evil one with mass-produced iron weapons and armour often have a human wizard or evil priest in command (or did have once). They worship the dark lord and await his orders. In the meantime, they fight and plunder and recruit orcs to the cause. Dead orcs are to made zombies to fight on animated by the dark lords power and if orcs dont join them they are enemies. Leaders will have fell magic weapons

4 Black Spere Orcs LE 
Black Sphere infantry (most mutineers, 1in6 in loyalist) in uniforms with guns and evil priests & undead support (mine sweepers and meat sheilds and some carry mines). Efficient and rely on guns and strict battlefield methodology. They love guns and army life and loyalists are cloned from a loyal unit that never rebelled. They do as they need to, follow orders and dont take pleasure in it or dwell on it. Rebel units attack Black Sphere forces, rob anyone for food and supplies and are always more scruffy and cautious   

5 Chaos Orcs CE
Chaos warband with salvaged anachronistic weapons and mutations often with a patron demon and a sorcerer. Rely on numbers and lack discipline and hygiene. Cant fight in closed formations and try to challenge enemies to one-on-one combat rather than sensible efficient modern war that kills everyone. Carry mutagenic waste and accept some non-orcs into the band but often goblinoids, ogres, or evil demihumans. Have various mutant scavengers with them and weird warped beasts of the wasteland. May have chaos wizards, sorcerers or demon cultists with them too

6 Cyclops Orcs LN 
Arcane smiths with quality weapons and skills with magical technology able to repurpose found engines and golems. Have hijacked various golems and automatons to serve them and their best hurl lightning javelins and use magic swords and hammers. They will make goods for sale and trade scrap for shiny treasure they dont like preferring metal. Their kind used to serve gods and giants and are always scheming to steal griffon gold. They sacrifice magic items all the time to their misshaped smith god. Here for metal and to take over manufacturing facilities to sell arms to the world

7 Pirate Orcs CN 
Come from a ship at sea, roamed as mercenaries and ended up here running a train with some local orc know-how. Orcs from all over the world are among them with several cults. They are willing to work with orcs but other species are fair game to kill and enslave if they don't surrender and present their food and valuables. Have lots of strange arbitrary rules and punishments and have a marine command structure. All kinds of weapons and foreign fighting orcs and experts with boarding tactics with ropes and grappling irons and climbing

8 Underland Orcs LN or CN 
Tribes from the deep who served monster kings in the age of darkness then rebelled and have developed their own culture and orc gods and orc wizardry. This will be a mercenary band come to explore the surface and trade with home from a fortification. Using the train as a mobile base they are exploring and meeting other factions and orc people. Surprisingly civilised they have adapted to guns, alchemy and train combat seriously. Most will be common mercenaries but often in the service of a hero or magician or a party of orc adventurers 

Artillery Car
Car with a cannon turret, heavily armoured with gun ports and smaller mounted weapons. A Squad of armed orcs specialising in train combat are ready inside. Another dozen troops operate the gun and defend the car. Its firing arc is more effective outdoors where the train is not in the arc of fire or in the way. Doors and hatches are very solid and smallarms and non magic weapon resistant. 

Cheif Car
Armoured fighting car where the chief sleeps and holds court. Lots of ladders and hatches and ports and weapon racks. The cheif and elites will usually be here if not fighting or eating. Some keep a pet or jester or a prisoner here also with huge fur rugs, carved wooden idols, severed heads mounted on boards, displays of teeth collections. The chief may negotiate or flee to the artillery car.

Feast Hall Car
The elites and guests gorge themselves to celebrate and the scraps go to the lower ranks. A long table with a podium one end for speakers or entertainers or a band. If in use a dozen orcs, a sub boss and d4 pets.  There are d4+2 servants supplying food and drink. If a feast is off there may be some sleeping drunks (3d4-4) and a d4 pets may be snoozing or eating bones or looking for orc vomit to eat. 

Cooks Car
Cooks work around the clock with cauldrons for soup and gruel, ovens for bread and roasts and fire pits with spitroast sizzling meat. Typically everything is best brown and lumpy A plate of olives, mushrooms, shredded goat, nuts, turnips and beets. Fermented meat and cabbage may be in pots and explode if broken, Mat keeps a beehive in a pot and other dangerous or creepy critters like snakes or worms. The head cook is a brutal fighting cleaver master who commands a d4+4 servant. The head is skilled at throwing stuff like hot soup, oil, rotten eggs, jar of sour kraut, beehive, knives, poison spiders,  snakes or whatever. The servants may be captives or desperate hirelings like kobolds or goblins.  

Food Car
Where troops take turns to eat at swill troughs dolled out by fat orc cooks with cauldrons and big spoons and forks and clever. Cooks visiting here have a hot cauldron of food and will throw hot food at enemies with giant spoons or hit troublemakers. Mostly a mess or being cleaned in between shifts of eaters. Twenty to thirty orcs will be here eating when on use otherwise might be cleaner half the time.

Cage Fight Car
A caged area in the middle used for organised fights for training, recreation or rituals of domination and subordination. When busy it will be crowded with screaming orcs watching a fight. Messy with graffiti and beer bottles otherwise and some blood. Orcs use to let off steam and train. 

Barracks Car xd4+1
Up to 25 orcs sleep here in hammocks and on the floor or sitting round playing dice, smoking, drinking, sewing and cleaning weapons or counting loot. Its easier to clib the roof than squeeze through. 

Temple Car
Magians decorate to their spell tradition with idols, a cauldron, braziers, taxidermy monstrosities, mummy case, skulls, strange trinkets and incense, A magician and followers work here and prepare advice for the chief and magical preparations. May have own pets and guardians and magic defences. Temples keep their own treasure chests with magic traps and 

Workshop Car
Where smiths, magicians and crafters toil with benches, cauldrons and a d4+4 work experts making stuff. Racks of unfinished weapons and looted items are being orcified with some spikes and skulls if possible. In some cases a wizard might make more orcs or abhuman oorcs here from prisoners or magic muck in the alchemist fashion.

Box Car xd3
Supplies and shelves of supplies. Also for livestock and passenger goods and servants or pets. Often orcs operate some unauthorised vice like gambling or drug abuse. 

Prison Car
Captives will be in cages in poor condition and hygiene with at least 4 guards and a torture cell with an expert interrogator. Various prisoners of any sort might be found but some rivals or enemies. They might keep hostages or sacrifices or punish their own kind or freight slaves

Corpse Car 
For undead and bodies claimed for processing for undead or food or other uses. Often just in bags hanging or on shelves, possibly some caskets. If the orcs use necromancy or evil priest magic their will be a specialist in here with assistants and undead ready to be deployed. More powerful undead need coffins for everyone's sake or they moan 

Armoured Guard Car
Car with a cannon turret, heavily armoured with gun ports and smaller mounted weapons. A Squad of armed orcs specialising in train combat are ready inside. Another dozen troops operate the gun and defend the car. Its firing arc is more effective outdoors where the train is not in the arc of fire or in the way.

d12 Encounters
1 Young or servants performing menial steward chores
2 Ticket collector and four orc guards
3 Orc selling drugs and ciggarettes
4 Dozen orc skirmishers all good climbers searching for thieves
5 Dozen heavy orc infantry to or from dinner
6 Orc spell caster and 4 assistants 
7 Orc sub boss with 4 elite orc abhumans
8 Prisoner in chains being taken to cells
9 Envoys of a different orc faction here to make a deal
10 Orc bounty hunters looking for a wanted target
11 Spy from rival faction murder a passenger to make trouble
12 Non orc passengers like demihumans or goblinoids or something weirder

d12 Decor
1 Chains (good for climbers)
2 Spikes (bad for climbers)
3 Blood
4 Corpse chained to wall
5 Painted angry tusked face
6 Flayed human skin nail
7 Battered armour plates
8 Soot and burn damage
9 Severed heads in a bundle
10 Charred skulls and bones
11 Spitoon or chamber pot
12 Beer bottles

d12 Hazards
1 Crossbow trap
2 Poisoned needle on door handle
3 Safe looking handle breaks off
4 Horrible stench or miasma
5 Swarm of vermin like rats or fleas or flies
6 Scythe or pendulum trap 
7 Guillotine concealed in a window trap
8 Concealed or weak hole in the floor
9 Bear trap hidden under garbage on floor
10 Mimic in form of a d4 1=chest 2=throne 3=iron maiden 4=bookshelf
11 Firehazzard from garbage, oil and gunpowder spilled here
12 Choking smoke from orc braziers, cauldrons or torches

d12 Adventures
1 Some orcs want help robbing the payroll of a rival orc train
2 Missing fugitives hiding on an orc train are accepted by the leader
3 Orcs come by train to raid a village for food, and villagers want help
4 A wizard offers magic weapons and potions for recovering a missing scroll
5 An orc will pay if a rival sub-boss is assassinated and clues left blaming another rival
6 An orc train wants help to seize a rival train and assimilate the survivors and ants help
7 Orcs want help to seize valuable automatons deep under Chagrinspire 
8 Orc barbarians know where there are wizards to kill and want help
9 The chief wants a dragon killed and wants to drop off hired adventurers near its lair with some troops
10 Some berserkers with an orc band need killing as they are turning out to be a problem to the boss who is more open to non-violence
11 Orcs want to kill a wizard and help an orc faction save the wizards orcs from slavery. They want experienced outsiders to face the wizard
12 An orc boss wants a necromancer or evil priest eliminated so they can join another faction

d20 Items
1 Magic chain +1
2 Magic cestus +1 +2 vs humans
3 Cast iron hand grenade with fuse
4 Incendiary bomb in clay bottle with fuel and fuse
5 Magic spear or axe or sword +1
6 Bottle of arrow venom
7 Box with 2d6 silver arrows or bolts or shot
8 Medalion holds one evil priest spell
9 Evil cult Medalion 30gp
10 Sheild +1 with a spike or weird face design
11 Whip +1 or club +1
12 Stink bomb with a fuse
13 Smoke bomb with a fuse
14 D6 fire arrows with fuses
15 Rock in a pouch with a permanent light spell on it
16 Lasso or net +1
17 Wrist band with concealed +1 garrotte
18 D6 poison darts save or +d4 damage
19 SIlver Horm once a week summons 12 skeletons
20 Black orb a 2-way crystal ball used by the black sphere for messages

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