
Tuesday 20 August 2024

Game Prep Oddments Post Session 4 Chagrinspire

In my Chagrinspire games, I have mostly had party visits to the two villages, dealt with the guilds and have been in about 6 hexes looming in ruins and doing fetch quests that seem to involve cults lots. They also found an underground train tunnel but fled. Most recently they went to loot a place they fled and found a wight and an automaton whose body was worth lots and made the party flee to friendly guild territory. I've just been dressing Dyson maps mostly. Players keen to take a bandit lair and to sell maps.

Party saw a golem traction engine chasing scavengers once and saw black sphere grey gnomes with guns and automatons with a small tank. Have also heard it clunking around at night.

I'm hoping some more tunnels will be explored, the lakes and the plateau gatehouse of Chagrinspire which will be campaign goals.

I'm just rolling up some stuff here based on tables so far and mostly in vol 1 and 2 of the pdf comps. 

Hexes from Flatspur to Shankheim
1 Grasslands with various herds of mudhogs and cabbage fields around Flatspurs walls
-Underground complex inder ruined shack used by cult of the worm connected to subway
2 North is mudfields divided by the river from the broken ground south. 
-System of booby-trapped trenches popular gounds for scavengers guild
-Ancient outpost now occupied by bandits who have many hostages who will need a place to settle if freed 
-remains of a wall from a previous village destroys a century ago haunted by undead people and farm animals
3 North is black stinking mars with some flooded ruins, a river divides the hex, the southern part borders on southern broken lands and southwestern dead blasted forests and rough ground 
-Wrecked war golem juggernaut with huge roller wheels and a dour face and guns, scaengers say its haunted
-Buried hulk of some vast land leviathan is the home of a cannibal morlock clan and other monsters
-Shack fortified full of debris where bandits camp to raid travellers
-Blasted ruined factories with outer intact walls, iron beams and long fallen in ceiling, rusted machines inside and hazardous vegetation. Mutant cannibal gangs live here 
4 Dead scattered woodland and broken ground with scattered buried ruins
-Former watch tower with ghoul in cabin on top
-Blasted village of ancients with rows of ruined townhouses, a hotel, church and a store. Scavenger and mutant gangs fight over treasure and undead and mo\nsters are attracted
-Ruined outpost occupied by the slavers guild
5 Shankheim is built on mudfields and patches of grass and rubble of building ruins
-crossroad settlement where cult of slime god lived and had underground ruins
-Rubble of blasted village where 
Kalag Var orcs camp. They are mostly worried by enemy barbarian orcs invading their wastes. Will charge humans toll if they are not in guild of shankheim
-Vast mounds of garbage where the Shankhein guild gangs roam tithing scavengers

Recent rumour and news
Locals discuss the extinct species from long ago and traces of them in the wasteland

An alchemist in a salamander skin fireproof suit and incendiary weapons looking for work to get near Chagrinspire. Also has several types of firelance (shot, ball and incendiary)

A prankster has been igniting farts with spells in the tavern, victims want the villain charged with witchcraft

The merchant wants ancient intact flags - will pay 100gp each more for rare ones

Arber Kamlet anti mutant inquisitor in the area hunting mutants among scavengers. He has mysterious mentalist powers.

Recent Weather
Clear skies with some patches of grey clouds moving in the winds from the north, on the full moon auroras of Chagrinspire amplified by local magic use can revive things lost in the climax of the apocalypse war. Undead arise in such conditions from the dead buried in alchemical mud. Rotten meat smells come from the north for days.

d12 Local Jobs in Flatspur
1 Salvage building materials like bricks, stones, planks and sheets of metal or iron bars from some ruins
2 Recover my lost mud hog and make sure mutants have not defiled it
3 A farm in the wilds is growing beets and turnips, go trade get live ones we can plant here. Maybe get their tips and find out about their God Bugrump the turnip king to see if the gods of light would approve 
4 Scavengers want guards while they loot some rubble, ruin or trench
5 Boatman found a sunk metal boat and needs help salvaging it
6 A meteor fell nearby and the scavenger guild wants someone to check it out
7 Guards want feral dogs killed and will buy their corpses
8 Guards want information confirming if the outpost ruins to the north is a bandit gang lair
9 Guards offer bounty on bandits 5gp live or or  1gp a head 
10 A murderer flees the village and a posse is required to hunt them into the waste
11 Bandits took a wagon load of beer, tracked it and get the beer back
12 Priest believes a recent traders were in fact a cult spying on the village, go follow them

d12 Local Jobs in Shankheim
1 Provoke this bad man in a tavern into a fight and badly beat them
2 Win some money betting on yourself in a fighting pit match
3 Need orgy attendants tonight, here are the costumes and oil
4 Guildmaster wants a gang beaten and robbed for not paying their cut
5 Check for any scavengers in this ruins for their claims with the guild, 
Shakedown down guild cut of 10% if members and 75% of everything they have if not
6 Kill this assassin staying in the in quickly before he finishes the mission or you won't be paid
7 Go with our envoy to the Kalag Var 
orc village with our guild tribute and don't cause any beef! 
8 Give us information on the Flatspur Scavengers guild like how much treasure they have and who the secret guild masters are
9 Locate the lakeside settlements and report on them to the guildmaster
10 A party of murder hobos squatted in a guild building and need evicting or to pay rent
11 Steal us a boat or raft of some kind from the wetlands nobody here knows how to build one
12 Escort these prisoners to the outpost of the slaver guild, don't worry they are all guild debtors and not kidnapped (some are broke adventurers)

Recent Tribes 
Malag Tor Orcs believe local orcs are tainted and must die and they want to behead wizards, wear horned helms and wear torn bandages and rags covered in mud to blend in. All carry small swords, shields and 2 javelins

Kalag Var Orcs are local orcs related to those invading Chagrinspire and who enslave wizards. They wear blank black masks with evil eyes steel cap helms and scale armour. Use morning stars, spears and round shields.

Dun Ox Warband is here to kill mutants and wizards but now all tainted and self-loathing since Shaman died. Now they collect wizard brains for a necromancer who treats their wounds and surgically removes mutations. Wear leather cap helms with iron spikes and leather hide armour. Sheild and battleaxe with a hand axe

Balag Kar mutants worship the plague demon and infect their homes with terrible diseases. Many wear gas masks and use muskets and trench clubs

Wild folk with green fur hunt mud hogs in the area and are seen dancing or holding rituals to revive vegetation. Some say they keep the grassland improving

Automaton Giant
AC +20 HD 30d8 Mov 12 Morale 11
Att Ram or Trample 4d20
(weapons are operated by the crew, not the giant) 
Cannon 10d6 fires every second round of 6+2d6 shells Range 100
-explosive shells 6d6 damage 6m circle blast
Machinegun 2d6 xd10 shot burst Range 20

6 crew with muskets or carbines with clips fire from gun ports, Lv1 soldiers
3 Artillery crew and two machine gun crew, Lv1 soldiers
6 engineers repair a d3 damage per man per round, Lv1 rogue mechanics
Captain (Lv5) and a lieutenant (Lv3) 

These hulking simple automaton brutes are mobile artillery and siege engines that destroy buildings and fortifications. The captain directs the creature from inside the head and the second in command rallies engineers or gunners as needed. The six infantry will exit the automaton if required. These machines tend to battle others or large monsters. Spare parts and ammo are the main limits. They will act as earth-moving machines for earthworks or defences.

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