
Saturday 17 August 2024

d100 Mimic Forms & Tricks

Yes you can put all these on one Dyson map.

Mimics in older editions were intelligent and able to do language but just neutral. Nothing personal you are made of meat. Mimics could conquer the world but prefer dinner and not moving. Possibly they are daimons of Xor or aliens. Do they breed or just bud? Pathogenic or something weird. Are they related to Draselites? Do they poop?

They will always have escape routes, preferably a drain or air vent that cant be followed into

Mimics might be eating dungeon food peoples but could also get paid in meat to guard a location. A mimic door could open with a password and magic and thieves tools wouldn't work. Guard mimics will have a bolthole and will alert locals to danger. Imagine mimics that set off the traps and hide and get help rather than fight adventurers because other monsters give them the meat and its less risk.

They might work with doppelgangers but know they are jerks who creepily enjoy playing with food too much. Once a victims body is destroyed at -10 HP they can squeeze through small spaces again.

Feel free to relate your ideas in comments 
Maybe the best one will find a large heavy amazon box waiting at their door

d100 Mimic Forms & Tricks
01 Chest possibly open with treasure spilling out for the aggressive younger ones
02 Barrel with a spigot like the kind in taverns
03 Feast of tasty-looking pies on a table (a bunch of baby mimics, maybe the table is parent) 
04 A Reading stand with a wizard spell book on top (its all one mimic)
05 An squat bestial idol with gems for eyes
06 Silver ingots on a stone slab
07 Stone idol with niches for coins and small offerings easy to reach inside and pick up
08 Stone throne with a faint inscription
09 Desk with open draw and gold coins inside 
10 Strange sliding letter puzzle on a wooden cabinet
11 Dungeon Door
12 An extra door in the wall 
13 Trapdoor in floor actually a pit with mimic sitting in it ready to chomp and drop to a lower level
14 Pillar or beam seemingly supporting the roof
15 Ladder or steps going to trapdoor (all one mimic)
16 Well or water pump with basin
17 Water-closet
18 Bookshelf of colourful old books
19 Archway in the ceiling or over the entry door
20 Stone water trough (water carried by mimic for effect is real)
21 Large comfortable chair
22 Chest of draws with brass knobs
23 Comfortable looking feather bed with clean sheets and brass bedknobs 
24 Child's pram or cot possibly rocking and jiggling
25 Iron stove with remains of something shiny in an open hatch
26 Bathtub with taps (if it has water it really is drool, possibly taps drip)
27 A small pipe organ with ivory keys
28 Table with chess set only a move from checkmate
29 Side table with stacked plates, this mimic will stick to one person and throw plates while fleeing with the captive)
30 Bar with various fany bottles visible inside the service area
31 Relief sculpture of a fisherman throwing a net gleefully in the wall
32 Huge porcelain urn with a lid depicting erotic and/or hunting scenes
33 Statue of a child riding a pony (maybe when you place your listening trumpet to hear cogs working you hear a heart beat)
34 Obelisk with a tiny inscription that's hard to see perhaps get closer
35 Large brass bell with a tapping sound inside like perhaps a small humanoid or creature
36 Shrine of a squat demon holding a bowl with gems in it
37 Marble stone statue head of a worried human, is that a ring in the earhole 
38 Ancient memorial pillar with hard-to-read tiny inscription that looks like nonsense
39 Sculpture of planar being holding a dying mortal, someone has placed some trinket offerings on the pedestal (insert plane and species of choice)
40 Pillar with relief art that incredibly features characters like the adventurers fighting monsters and odd seams in design possibly could hide secret panels
41 Execution block with a head in a helmet on it, at an odd angle so hard to identify 
42 Stocks holding a prisoner (goblin and stocks could be one mimic or perhaps just the stocks a mimic and holding a doppelganger or mimic friend)
43 Iron maiden, is someone inside alive? (no)
44 Wrack with unconscious victim strapped in gasping for breath 
45 Bench with brutal torture tools (mother mimic teaching her young)
46 Brazen bull above a firepit that seems to have someone locked inside
47 Gibbet with body wearing rich noble clothes inside hanging by a chain
48 A wire-locked cabinet and there seems to be potion bottles inside
49 Iron chair with clamps and unconscious tortured person slumped
50 Huge wagon wheel or wooden frame with slumped body held by ropes on arms and legs
51 Metal safe with complex code wheel lock 
52 Display stand with an exotic suit of armour
53 Bookshelf with a crystal orb and some occult medallions on display
54 A creature trapped in a cruel iron cage cries for help (maybe the critter is real)
55 Furnace as used by alchemists or metal workers and there seems to be some metal in the charcoal and ash inside
56 A stunning water feature like a fountain or pool with coins in the bottom (that water is saliva)
57 Obscene statue someone has draped a tea towel over something explicit
58 A stone block easy to help reach that note in the crack in the ceiling if you climbed on it
59 Wealthy-looking ornate sarcophagus and a gold noble emblem of the ancients
60 Slab with an incomplete rock golem laid on it and there seems to be some valuable minerals inside its chest cavity
61 Cabinet of fancy liquor with a lock
62 Basket of vegetables in good condition
63 Cauldron with cold gruel and chunks,  a severed hand with a ring floats to the surface with some bubbles
64 Black skull on a gold tray on a stone slab
65 Brass riveted head on a pedestal with closed eyes, if approached the mouth opens and has a key inside 
66 Mannequin in rich robes sitting at an ornamental tiny harpsichord with a blank porcelain mask
67 Gong with a huge mallet leaning on it
68 Statue holding urn over a stone bowl, there is a lever on base implying the urn will pour into the bowl (it just wants food to touch it)
69 Sword in a meteoric iron stone 
70 Statue of smiling water spirit with wonderful breasts and open arms on a stone disc base
71 Delicious-looking pies or big sausages (baby mimics) 
72 Colourful gems bigger than a fist (baby mimics) 
73 Small piles of silver coins in a trial (baby mimics) 
74 Huge wine bottles (baby mimics) 
75 Pile of spellbook (baby mimics) 
76 Collection of fancy shiny weapons (baby mimics) 
77 Clutch of huge eggs as big as a duck (baby mimics) 
78 Collection of squat small idols with gleaming tiny gem eyes (baby mimics) 
79 Cobblestones in the floor or bricks in a wall (baby mimics) 
80 Collection of humorous erotic fetishes (baby mimics) 
81 Hacked up a pile of adventurer corpse parts with some heads on spikes and some attractive superior boots and a belt and other items
82 A huge pile of wet intestines and organs of uncertain origin, perhaps an oxen
83 Dead pilgrims covered in blood, died protecting a wooden crate
84 Half a corpse in a passage as if sliced by some trap, but a stone buttress has a niche with a lever (mimic using the unfinished corpse as a prop while it pretends to be a trap mechanism)
85 Section of floor and wall (mimic sits on a trap trigger, it will even rearm the trap it found or was given by local monsters)
86 A niche that a person could fit in and an inscription or gen you can see best if you get into the niche and look up
87 A spirit appears and tries to warn intruders but it cannot speak (it's the phantom of a mimic victim. The mimic has just learned to let it distract victims and waits by the entrance pretending to be a doorframe)
88 A bell hangs near the ceiling with a bell rope hanging to the floor the bell seems to have an inscription inside
89 Pillar with a large gem attached to the top
90 Body of a missing adventurer known to offer a reward for their corpse to their temple! There is even a poster in front of it (mimic found a poster) 
91 Cabinet that can fit a standing person inside with astrological signs on the outside
92 Telescope pointed at a mural on the ceiling of stars
93 A stuffed bear someone has put a note in its mouth
94 A stone plinth with a gold crown on a pillow
95 Writing desk with scribe set on the floor and scrawls all over the room that resembles writing
96 Grandfather clock with a gold pendulum swinging
97 Golden demon idol with raised high scorpion pincer arms and a gem in its chest
98 Minotaur statue on a huge plinth (the mimic is the plinth and will topple the statue on victims if outnumbered to start an attack - 3d6 damage save or pinned)
99 Fancy iron and silver throne with the inscription "Here sits the future king"
100 An altar with a famous artefact of legend sitting on it

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