
Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Under the Plateau of Peril

Under the plateau of peril, behind the great cliff waterfall is a vast cavern where Underland folk and monsters dwell.

d12 Cavern Key Locations
1 Waterfall from the plateau
2 From here you can see the lake, the town and the station lights 
3 Town of Gnomehole, trading and fishing and fungus and bug farming with undead-proof fencing. Mostly grey gnomes with goblin working class and a few underland elves
4 Recked paddle steamer said to be haunted
5 Here water pours through a crack in the ceiling from the river above
6 Swamp and cave mutants met here and started a new clan dedicated to cannibalism
7 Frog folk camp with fish traps and giant bug pens
8 Fish folk observe the train station from an underwater communications base 
9 Scavengers shacks where local scavengers stay
10 Train station and platform run by gnome staff who will call a sapper kill squad in a mole machine or activate automatons for aid if required. 1sp a seated trip and a 1gp in a nice private room and dining posh car. They are from the gnome city and not nullists but the black sphere will aid them 
11 Buried houses and buildings now some are part of the town and others closed off due to monsters and unexplored
12 Buried rail buildings closed of due to monsters and unexplored

Cavern Roads Out
Spiral tunnel to the Underland Gnome City of Gloomward in one of the 3 great caverns in the deep
To the Cliff Clan Kobolds mines on western plateau cliffs
Canal to a great Underlake 
in one of the 3 great caverns in the deep
Two trainlines one to ground level, the other does a loop of the three huge cavens and lower levels of Chagrinspires vast automated factories
The Trash Cavern is part garbage dump and fungus forest 
one of the 3 great caverns in the deep

Cavern Campsite Residents
1 Adventuring landknights from the warring lands here to plunder 
2 Cultists searching for lost demon cults that vanished in the apocalypse
3 Scavengers here to trade with this rarely known market
4 Fugitive slaves from Underland hesitate to leave now they have adapted to subterranean life
5 Slavers here to sell burned-out slaves to Underland non-human masters
6 Goblinoid clan here to trade and consider life in the deep or the surface
7 Kobolds here to trade food for useless ancient artworks and household objects 
8 Orc arms dealers trade weapons for bulk food and metal scrap
9 Cave folk from deep considering migrating to the surface
10 Ogres here to hunt smaller humanoids for dinner
11 Trolls here to catch and eat little people and rob them
12 Underground species nobody knew existed here to trade

Cavern Special Events
1 Swarm of bats
2 Swarm of luminous 
3 Spore heavy day save once per day exposed or -1 all sight sense skills and 1hp damage
4 See luminous or albino fish
5 Ground rumbles and some debris-like tiles fall from the cavern ceiling
6 Cannibal loudly celebrating while preparing a feast
7 Crowds of traders in the market or rail platform
8 Mutant creatures on the rampage 
 Carrion worms attracted by smell of blood
10 Giant cave bats hunting 1in6 in groups ridden by goblin scouts with bows
11 Cave fishers have migrated here for easy meals
12 Black dragon Kandrildar swims into here from an underwater lair and often watches the cavern's waterfall entrance by flying or climbing to a ledge. One victim every few days keeps it happy 

Cavern Cave Fishing
1 Glowfish is great for emergency lamps for years if dried like wiggling bugs
2 River eels may swarm bleeding swimmers and like meat
3 Cave Carp good for soup and likes bread for bait
4 Cave Muscles good eating best cooked well and make good bait
5 Cave Shrimp grow 10cm and often mostly transparent
6 Water Bug 
nip AC+6 2d8 HD bite d6 tasty 
 Red rippers AC+4 d4 HD bite d3 tasty and look mean and like worms or shrimp or small fish
8 Cave clams in shallows will clam on the feet of victims 
AC+7 2d8 HD clamp d6/round
9 Cave Crabs 
AC+6 d8 HD nip x2 d3
10 Armoured Fish from prehistory 
one of the 3 great caverns in the deep
 Cave lobster AC+5 1 HD nip x2 d4 the regular kind or babies of the giant ones
12 Cave Squid AC+3 d8 HD grapple & bite d3/round, can leap out of water 3m

Cavern Shacks
1 Garbage, a wreck or scrap collection
2 Storage, locked and trapped with dried meat or fish or mushrooms inside 
3 Shed, with tools and a bench usually for craft or food production
4 Brewery or mushroom potion lab used by a gang, booby-trapped
 Goblin family home
Scavenger gang
Mutant cannibal gang
 Kobold scouts
9 Monster lair
10 Undead hide
 Gnome and some pets and guests wee folk
 Gnome with servants, bodyguard and automaton squad

Cavern Buildings
1 Warehouse with dusty crates and garbage possibly vermin
2 Factory or workshop with roof fallen, overgrown and a possible creature lair
Factory or workshop with ruined machines and graffiti, often home for a gang
4 Prison for workers  
5 Workers lodging 
Nice house for managers and servants possibly with stable or garage 
7 Loner outcast unwelcome to strangers, trapped house and full of ambush points
8 Fortified hall with huge doors
9 Administration
10 Specialist shop 
11 Tavern for workers or traders
12 Barracks for combat personnel

This is within the fenced-off areas and buildings of Gomehole Village
All signs in Underland common and semiprecious stones main currency

Village Trade Guild Hall and home of the Mayor where you can exchange items for gemsw
Gates & Fences 3m tall with barbed wire and cans that rattle when undead are trapped in barbed wire. Gates have several hobgoblin guards and an alarm gong
Shrine Shack where Brother Victor runs a shrine and sells holy water
Underland Shrine with many idols of Underland gods
Market Courtyard where local traders shopfronts located and smaller dealers with carts or wagons sell
Katya's Store for adventurer and travel supplies
Grimepit Tavern run by goblinoids with the largest goblin kitchen in town
Apothecary & Healer shop run by Kienich selling pills, dressings and potions
Fishy Friends Fish Shop - buy and sell fish and where fish folk gather run by a Cod folk people call Old Codger 
Pippy's Scrap - scrap shop run by a rat lady

Croaker's Frog Hole - marsh weed, pipes and frog grog for sale
Repair Shack - where local work crews work from and Neebar the hobgoblin is boss

Gnomehole Market
Semiprecious stones are the preferred currency
Mushroom broth by the bowl 1cp
Mushroom bread is flat and causes melancholia but keeps well 1cp
Mushroom bear 1sp
Mushroom leather 1sp per 1m circle
Dried mushrooms 1sp per kg
Pickled mushroom 1sp per jar
Pickled snails 1sp per jar
Jelled worms 1sp per jar
Roast Lizard 1ep serves 1-4
Lizard & shroom wrap 1sp
Mushroom burger 1sp
Grilled mushrooms on a stick 2cp
Grilled Centepede on a stick 5cp
Grilled Bug on a stick 2cp
Canned Alchemists Gruel 1sp
Mushroom Vodka 1gp bottle 
Bat Milk per jar 1sp
Bat Yogurt per pot 1sp
Bat cheese 1gp 
Pack Lizard 120gp

Gnomehole Rumours
1 The gnome city in the deep is a fabulous magical wonderland unlike your wildest dreams
2 Under gnome food makes you depressed but maybe its good for excitable troublemakers
3 Some of the passages into the deep go deeper than humans have ever been
4 If you could breathe water the lake has many flooded passages into hidden places
5 You can find interesting objects on the lake shore
6 Some of the cave fish are hideous, I found one with a human face
7 Look up and live - creepy cave creatures may drop sticky threads or drop rocks on people
8 Underland people find surface folk slaves more desirable
9 Caves of sleeping monsters unstirred since before humans can be found, be careful
10 Their have always been underland slaves flee to the sunlit land and surface people fleeing cataclysms or war seeking refuge in the deeps
11 Their are many vast caves full of mystery and prehistoric ruins down here, big enough for a village of settlers
12 In ages past minions of one of the dark lords came through here to hide in the deep from the champions of the gods 

Gnomehole Complaints
1 The sky will fall in on this cavern killing everyone here and above on the plateau
2 All the strange people down here but at least not humans
3 The undead will overwhelm the fences one day
4 Damned trilobites everywhere 
5 Damp and muddy and gloomy I can't wait to leave
6 You can't trust gnomes, all their cults are crazy
7 Dont go near the lakeshore 
8 I can smell shit everywhere down here
9 A saw a giant white bat snatch a goblin I was talking too
10 All kinds of weirdos and cultists and crooks live in the ruins and shacks around the lake
11 That train station has been busier and bringing more strangers here
12 Something is watching us all the time down here

Gnomehole Encounters
1 Goblins selling fish or mushrooms
2 Gnome merchants from the deep with bugbear guards and pack lizards handled by goblins
3 Gnome buying and selling scrap from a cart
4 Armoured hobgoblin town guard
5 Giant rat chased by the feral goblin, kobold and gnome kids
6 Drunk old gnome who has seen some strange stuff
7 Band of gnomes, goblins, froglings and bug folk playing and dancing
8 Gnome drug dealer offering potions of good times
9 Sticky thread of a cave fishing creature on cavern ceiling
10 Swarm of rats of bugs or moths or bats
11 Party of fish or frog folk traders
12 Gnome slaver offers to buy human travellers

Gnomehole Jobs
1 Slime hunter - hunt slimes around the lake shore and the village
2 Rat Catcher - regularly cleans out cellars and sewers
3 Fisher - help fishers with nets and traps or guard them from monsters
4 Squatter eviction - kick out people in cavern shacks not paying a slum lord or gang
5 Recover chest - lost in the lake by certain rocks in remains of the boat still visible
6 Drive away gang - from ruin so items hidden can be recovered
7 Undead Hunters - 1sp for a zombie head from the mayor's hall
8 Caravan Guards - for a dangerous but profitable shortcut passage 
9 Excavators - diggers who can look after self needed to search a rubble filled ruin
10 Bandit Bounty - money for killing evil dwarf gangs (morlocks, derro, grey dwarves)
11 Crystal Recovery - magic crystals stolen and need to be returned to a spell caster for an experiment
12 Find fungi - a valuable fungus is reported in a fungus garden cave 

Gnomehole Locals
Victor Gobnik a Grubby human priest sells holy water and operates a shrine of light in his shack, local gnomes and goblins think he isn't human
2 Mayor Sonja Rakali a dark gnome mentalist who runs the local Traders guild and controls the village and employs Hobgoblin guards 
3 Slarg Furbelly a bugbear bartender at the Grimepit tavern who enjoys making humans uncomfortable
4 Kadarg Forkfinger the hobgoblin boss in charge of village fences and gates
5 Kienrick Deviltoe apothecary gnome and healer of the village but often blind drunk
6 Lara Studelborg a gnome smith and scavenger who watches village affairs with a keen eye
7 Lyra Starkers a goblin cook with great influence over the village goblins as she is also a priestess
8 Neebar Flangepump a hobgoblin handyman with a tool belt most often doing plumbing, fence repairs, carries keys and knows sewer tunnels
9 Mistress Katya Yeastbloom a gnome merchant who has opened a general store and has a bugbear bodyguard Philbert Hairtrotter
10 Master Croaker a frog folk seller of marsh weed and frog grog who trades for exotic bugs and worms or gems
11 Old Codger an ancient fish folk here to buy and sell fish and his stall is a meeting place where Underland and surface fish folk meet several times a week to exchange fishy facts
12 Pippy Squeakly a rat woman here to help trade with rat folk who sells scrap items

Gnomehole Happenings
1 Undead climbing over fences everybody takes cover and locks doors
2 Rubble and rocks fall from the ceiling
3 Water level higher and streets wet and trilobites scuttle about
4 Water level low and locals are collecting things once hidden by water
5 Someone eaten by Kandrildar the black dragon who comes from the lake sometimes
6 Giant snails or cave crickets crawling everywhere
7 Seasonal migration of glowing fish, moths, bugs or worms
8 Locals celebrating a festival with music and lanterns and beds all leased out
9 Sporeclouds today locals sneezing and new fungus and mould sprouting
10 A doppelganger or shapeshifter has been seen among locals
11 Large trading expedition from some strange non-human faction
12 Train arrives at station and new rivals walk to village

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