
Thursday, 27 February 2025

Modern Kobolds and Gatehouse Updates

Ive had to upgrade my dungeon defences as players spend most of their time doing sandbox stuff and wanting full gang of players to face growing problems. Given we are 50+ this could be hopeful. Ive boosted my orcs but what about kobolds who live next door. Especially now orcs have broken truce and started eating Kobolds. Kobolds and Orcs still battle over the gatehouse which now has more battle damage.

PATREON Update on my publications vol3 Chagrinspire draft 180+ pg soon

d12 Dungeon Battle Damage
1 Dead dog to goat
2 Blood splatters
3 Bones
4 Battered remains of barricade of trash
5 Signs of fire or explosion
6 Broken arrows or bullet holes
7 Broken chariot car and dead animals
8 Pile of bloody skulls in a pyramid heap
9 Kobold skins nailed to wall or Impaled orcs on a post
10 Fireplace with remains of interspecies cannibalism
11 Abusive graffiti in orc and kobold text, some in blood
12 battlefield dead 2d6 corpses 1in6 will arise as undead

In my Gigadungeon complex campaign players have taken months to get back to the dungeon while they trade, explore and disrupt the continental slavers. So their level has increased so the monsters need some help.

d12 Since you left the Dungeon 
1 Monsters invite a new faction to the dungeon d4 1=cult 2=bandits 3=mutant cannibals 4=humanoid tribe
2 A dungeon boss unites some factions
3 Barricades block areas
4 Increased guards
5 Increased traps and alarms
6 Increased guards
7 Increased and larger patrols
8 Civilians withdraw
9 Allied forces arrive
10 Dug new tunnel
11 Fortify entrance
12 Lure in a new monster and trap in a corridor or room

New Kobold Troops

Mobile Billy Goat Gunners
AC +6 HP 16 Mov -  Att d6 butt Volley d4xbarrels Morale 7
A goat-pulled wagon with an array of black powder gun barrels (d4+2 shots) that can fire simultaneously and then retreat rapidly. The goat and crew of 2 then flee rapidly. Often with 4-12 skirmishers to distract or set up targets using superior darkvision if possible.

Reloading takes ten minutes but half with an extra two loaders often at a pit stop so goat gunners can be rotated from front and back to reload.

Can be easily sabotaged or booby-trapped if left on the field. Teams of several might support or one will pretend to be slow to escape luring into a second hidden gun.

Goat AC+4 HP 5 Att butt d6 Mov 15 Morale 7
Skirmisher AC+4 Leather + sml shield HP 2 Att Shortbow or javelin or club Mov 12 Morale 7
Gunners AC+3 HP 2 Att club or dagger

Kobold Grenadier 
AC+3 HD 3d4 HP 10 Att Sword d6 or Thrown Weapon Mov 12 Morale 8
Elite troops carry d3 frag grenades and d4 incendiaries, carry a lit fuse in teeth or on hat to light quickly, and might also have smoke bombs and other alchemical weapons. May ride a goat

Kobold Musketeer 
AC+3 HD d4 HP 3 Att light musket with bayonet d6 Mov 12 Morale 8
Trained for team firing and rapid loading often fire from cover and withdraw to reload

Kobold Dog Master
AC+5 HD 2d4 HP 7 Att Whip d3 or javelin d6 Mov 12 Morale 8
Controls 4 dogs usually of the same type 

Ratter Dog AC+3 HD d4 Att Nip d3 Mov 15 Morale 7
Hunting Dog AC+3 HD d6 Att Nip d4 Mov 15 Morale 8
War Mastiff AV+4 HD d8 Att Nip d6 Mov 12 Morale 10

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