
Sunday, 23 February 2025

Game Log: More sidequests, want to stop orcs but party split


In an odd turn two players AWOL so we had the priest of light and the giant (8"6) meet with local priests to ready the operation to destroy the Demon Ichor rig on the lake. With a gang of a dozen acolytes and a dozen of the best no one maritime scavengers gang of a dozen. the Giant brought some of his wolves and his jester too. The priest had his usual band of priests recruited from freed aged slaves.

The trip was safe and they began to prepare the rig. They debated if they should take ichor out of the underlake behemoth demon thing before pumping holy water back in. Local priests had over a hundred holy water potions ready. Then they saw the slavers demon ichor-powered golem paddle steamer coming. They were quiet and troops ready with crossbows and a few muskets. The giant had spent the last month salvaging barbed wire and wrapping the pylons of the rig in it. He had made a gate for friendly boats at the bottom. Men with loaded weapons waited on the middle stairwell ready to loose havok. The giant waited at the gate while the party on the top deck hiding. 

A jollyboat left the paddle steamer with a dozen men who came up to the gate and tried to break it open. Crossbow bolts rained on them killing half and an incendiary hit the boat badly burning several, only 3 wounded men and a leader survived. The Slavemaster made threats on a megaphone offering to let them flee now or they would be enslaved and tortured. The boat cam alongside the rig gate and dropped a gangplank and men charged up the plank like a ramp to the top of the gate letting them get down. More crossbows and incendiaries killed many and the defenders retreated to the top of the rig with a dozen enemies battering the hatch.

The giant had climbed to the rig top, got some spell buffs and jumped onto the top of the slaver ship as the priest blasted him with holy light. Other clerics targeted officers and the men trying to get through the hatch. The giant landed and twisted his leg a bit and saw the slave master flee. he quickly killed the second in command.

When the slavers broke through they were outnumbered and overcome. The last few men on the bottom were withdrawing and a leader the Priest had met in the camp in the cavern under the plateau. He was glad to help finish him and the surviving crew with the gang of clerics and scavengers.

The giant killed his way into the second deck and finished the wounded master as he drank a healing potion. The slavers were massacred and some trying to flee were eaten by mutant crocodiles attracted by all the blood and violence. Two trying to flee were paralysed and captive. Lots of dead bosses to use speak with dead on.

Was a dwarf slave engineer and a dozen others in chains below deck. There was the main deck with a casino, the first deck with a brothel and the top deck of the slavers admin centre. Took ledgers some treasure and the boat and sailed away as they reversed the pumphouse to flood the vast creature in the deep with holy water. The lake spasmed and gas bubbles came up and the flailing outer god's mortal form was destroyed. The part collected some demon god flesh and helped sink the upside-down rig floating on air-filled pylons. 

Took the paddle steamer home and beached it. There was a huge party and new freed slaves who joined the ferry village. There was a wild feast with locals from all the settlements and late the Priest and Giant investigated some murders to find a vampiric orc thrall and seemed related to the Orcs of the Bloody Tree and was a spy. The local priest showed best way to kill the thrall and warned the orcs needed to be stopped soon. The freed slaves were conscripted soldiers for the crusade which has apparently failed and is scattered by mutant hordes and undead former crusaders resentful of the living.

As they had stopped the slaver's trade on the lake and destroyed the demon ichor rig I let them unlock a level-up achievement (I find xp time-wasting and petty). They went to the waterfall-covered plateau cavern, met gnomes and goblinods, and got a job offer to hunt the undead to earn semiprecious stones, the local currency. The Priest had the dwarf priest he got in a follower exchange program who spoke gnome, goblin and under-common.

They met a local scruffy priest also who thought his replacement had arrived after 40 years of waiting. The party priest explained this was not the case but he might help as he had followers all around the wasteland now.  They took the deal and were told to walk straight from the gate then left and follow their wall and fences until they get back and hopefully kill lots of ghouls. They went around the fence taunting undead so the cleric could blast them with holy light in an optimal manner through the fence impressing locals who shunned the light. A goblin was sent with the party to tally the undead killed.

The first lone undead they fried with cantrips and then another group came and were vapourised. Almost at the campsite, they heard big voices so stopped and an ogre peeked around the corner. The giant tried to talk with them but they thought he was too pretty and uppity so attacked. The ogres were defeated and didn't do much damage. The party took their bags of semiprecious stones and found their campsite and a cooked goblin.

Heading "left" they stalked through fungus-shrouded ruins and wiped out more ghouls. The priest cast free action on the giant so ghouls couldn't paralyse him. He held chokepoints and splatted ghouls not vapourised. They found a ruin and detected dead inside and saw carrion and grave remains scattered inside. The giant ordered his jester to taunt the undead out. Four ghouls in courtly rotting regalia came out with a crowned female ghoul a head taller, and more ancient than anyone had seen. Her coffin was in a museum in Chagrinspire for centuries plundered from the south. She had with her followers found a place to make a ghoul army. She also reduced turning vs ghouls in her area. So instead of vapourising the vassals fled and she summoned skeletons from the carrion on the floor. Dwarf cleric wiped out skeletons and the old local priest blessed people too.  The giant missed her and the priest's new bodyguard who had come on this trip managed to hurt her and was wounded and paralysed. The giant was still paralysis resistant but kept missing the barely surviving queen ghoul. She summoned more skeletons and they were mostly blasted to dust. The Lead priest was struck by a skeleton from behind. The queen was missed and was regenerating but the jester knocked her down. The party destroyed her and then waited for the vassal ghouls and wiped them out. 

The goblin accountant offered to tally skeletons for half the profit from this deal and the party agreed. Back in town they met a local grey gnome traders and heard local gossip. Mostly locals like visitors who don't attack them but wiping out undead always menacing the town was alright by locals.  

Players killed over 100 slavers and undead all up and did 600hp damage to the avatar of some slimy sleeping demon god killing it in this world for possibly centuries (unless helped).

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