
Friday, 31 January 2025

Local Roaming Warbands

d12 Warband Goal
1 Scouting area for landmarks to map
2 Scouting for possible resources and passage for an army
3 Scouting for enemy movements
4 Scouting for an enemy base
5 Patrol looking for enemy to pursue if weaker
6 Patrol seeking captives to question about area
7 Patrol looking for escaped prisoners
8 Patrol looking for looting opportunities
9 Threaten people for money
10 Demand a donation to their cause for keeping road safe
11 Searching for magical items or treasure
12 Searching for enemy scouts to skirmish with

d12 Warband with Benefits
1 Majority or best are mounted
2 Animal or monster pets
3 Abhuman or humanoid allies
4 Undead troops and a magician
5 High morale from recent victories +2
6 Veterans with more members having a few level
7 Elite leaders have a higher level and professionalism than standard
8 Siege weapon d4 1=arbelast 2=balistia 3=mangonel 4=battering ram 5=six guns on a wagon 6=small cannon
9 Berserks in a special force under separate command
10 Famous spell casters support the force
11 Has a bard egging them on to glory +2 morale while bard on the field 
12 Vehichle d4 1=chariot teams with crew and skirmishers 2=ancient transport (truck or bus or staff car) 3=ancient war machine (midget tank or a gun carrier) 4=magical juggernaut or automaton traction engine redecorated in faction style often with a commander or a shrine  

d12 Warband with Problems
1 Starving and need a rest and food to heal properly, eaten their baggage crew and pack beasts
2 Plague miasma surrounds them, many sick, some carriers, flies attracted
3 Leadership struggle for supremacy
4 Defeated and in despair morale weak -2
5 Some are mutating others are concerned
6 Followed by another fighting force
7 Terrible bard has soldiers all complaining and they will kill him during a battle
8 Traitor among them serve another warband leader
9 Deserters or heretic rebel factions cut off from their own faction under a new leader
10 Corrupted by another faction seeking to take command and kill the rest
11 Weapons and armour worn, low on ammo and ration packs
12 Celebrating and singing carelessly, many drunk or high slow notice being attacked

d12 Organisation
1 Section of troops scouting 6 including one in charge
2 Squad of two sections (12) plus a veteran Lv1
3 Platoon of two squads (25) and an officer Lv d4-1 (0-3) 
4 Troop of two platoons (50) and an officer Lv d6-1 (0-5) often with a support wagon
5 Company of two troops (102) and a commander Lv d8-1 (0-7) baggage train 10x d4+1 support crew (20-50)
6 Army of a thousand lead by a general Lv10-1 (0-9) and 100x d3 baggage train crew

Lawful bands are professional and organised fighting in formations like Assyrians or Romans. They often face larger less organised forces. 

Chaotic bands are irregular, scattered, poorly disciplined and may waste their lives against organised foes. They prefer fighting in angry mobs or on one dueling for personal glory. Feel free to mess up the organisation into a single huge mob. Some leaders may operate elite forces and rally the broken morale of fleeing troops.
d12 Warband Loot
1 Crates of crafted market goods
2 Barrels of beer and wine
3 Sacks of food
4 Piles of salted hides, some exotic
5 Slaves or hostages in chains, carried or in cage on a wagon
6 Non-functional ancient vehicle towed by band
7 Exotc beast in cages or babies or eggs
8 Prisoners to execute, sacrifice or eat later
9 Sacks of silverware and copper coins
10 Sacks of bronze and copper armbands, torcs and ornamental bowls
11 Bunch of enemy scrolls, potions and books to destroy later
12 Chest of gold coins and some name magic items

d12 Warband HQ
1 Camping in the rough with sleeping packs
2 Nearby camp in a ruin
3 Travelling with baggage bearers carrying packs, probably miserable and unwilling
4 Travelling with pack animals on long-range trek
5 Travelling with waggons searching for a new home
6 Baggage train and followers camped nearby
7 Outpost in a ruin with some repairs
8 Outpost in ruin with a bunker
9 Outpost in a fortified building ready for siege
10 Fort or castle reoccupied and under repair
11 Underground cave or rocky cliff shelter
12 Fortress or castle with a trench network

d12 Common Warband
Robber knights of the north after profit by slaughtering enemies, all lordless banished knights. Often worn and damaged equipment  
2 Crusader knights here to cleanse the land of evil, gods will sort out the guilty and innocent, all with their own coats of arms and vassals
3 Slavers transporting captives or looking for victims, wear white robes and hoods with curved swords. Carry manacles and possibly wagons of cages 
4 Barbarians looking for wizards, dragons, undead or at least literate people to kill
5 Orcs of the Waste Riding War Boars seeking wizards or alchemists they can kill (or occasionally a band serves a wizard and others are in black sphere uniforms with muskets)
6 Goblin band of hungry irregular goblins, archery-reliant scouts, some riding bats or wolves with bows. Larger groups include a squad of hobgoblin hoplites or/and some bugbear headhunters 
7 Elemental templars with planar pets, spell casters and some elemental abhumanoids
 normal. Here to carve out a space in whatever power struggles are on to prove they are a relevant power
8 Elven soldiers with goblin skirmishers and a few pet-hunting werewolves
9 Dwarf crusaders here to purify the earth or adventurers out for loot
10 Forest folk and wild people with animal friends and beast folk led by a hero, druids and a bard. An irregular band who travel a path each year and plant seeds
11 Reptilian abhuman soldiers exploring for evil gnomes, may have 
pets like reptiles or dragons and if near water has some frog folk scouts. A group may have multiple species even snake or dragon or dinosaur folk
12 Gnomes either here possibly nice sort looking for wicked gnomes giving them a bad name around here or the black sphere gnomes with guns, a vehicle and automatons

d12 Wicked Warband
1 Death Templars with undead support troops like skeleton archers and zombies with mauls in front ranks. A leader priest or wizard directs them and they probably could do with some corpses to build a flesh colossus or keep growing 
2 Kraken clan - a band of marine abhumans, marine cultists and hybrids including fish and eel folk-led by squid and octopi-headed beings. they act like pirates and mercenaries but always in sight of lake or river 
3 Chimera Clan - mutant hybrid creatures a mix of beasts and human parts, some abhumanoids, some smaller humanoids and some huge war beasts with no two alike
4 Fleshfiends - a demon meat cult seeking to call Xor into this world. Beginners file their teeth and senior adherents are skinless and hideous in scarlet armour decorated with anatomical details. Cannibals who go berserk if they see blood 
5 Plague Templars are rotting bloated cultists of a disease god and their god sustains them despite their losing body parts, open sores and leaking intestines. Some are even infested with vermin and surrounded by fly swarms
6 Famine Templars in service to a chaos god of starvation and insects, use giant bugs for war and vermin to fight. Their armour is insectoid with antenna horns and various insect folk may join them. Some focus on one species like locusts or ants
7 Webfoot Clan a tribe of chaos frog folk templars in slime-covered armour and turtle shell sheilds with spiked clubs and flails 
8 Demon Templars - warrior order of demon worshippers, each band dedicated to a different lord with his own banners
9 Darkness Templars - aiding all the chaotic old cults useful to evil, drawing from the nightmare realms of darkness from beyond the void. Black armour often with horns under the black banner and leaders may have shadows in the shapes of war hounds as guards
10 Mutant Templars - former crusaders now bitter tentacled slimy servants of chaos who hate their normal kin, uncoordinated violent mobs often plague carriers
11 Slime Lords - slimy or ooze folk with acidic skin, always looking for new arms and armour, worship primordial source of life (primal chaos). Their slime sweat and urine dissolve rock and concrete 
12 Goat Lords - wear goat leggings and masks or are real goat folk who worship devils or demons, each band has its own regalia and banners, many led by a witch or master

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