
Saturday, 11 January 2025

Hexploration Gamelog for Chagrinspire

Had some cancellations and some guest appearing player of old
Party decided to do a round the Chagrinspire trek 
Brought in double size character sheets as higher level and more stuff
my alchemy formula rules have been nice and the priest thought the alchemist rogue was a spell caster (he has an item and one spell from and oath)

The man with No Name an alchemist thief 5th Lv
-Wears scavengers rags and harness with a gasmask and cape
-Sidekick lady rake sidekick now running scavengers guild in Quicksilver Heights
-Sidekick Sat Sonja, a seven-foot-tall beast lady ratfolk from under the wastes
-carries lots of explosives, incendiaries and several guns
-has been making oaths to neutral thief cults and now the Turnip god Bogrump
-Seeking the supernatural being who stole his name and why fled Shadelport

 The Templar Priest of Light 5th level
-Armoured templar with a chrome sphere helmet (hides face & 360 degree vision)
-Has numerous priest followers he is in command of 
-On a mission from a bishop to observe the waste for the church 

A long absent player popped in and played Rat Sonja

Only Rat Sonya, the priest and the rogue came this trip

The party control a outpost fortress they took off bandits with an underground train station. They have brought many rescued slaves and sacrifices here and other needy people. Including their young accidentally fell out of vat early runty flesh golem pet.

The players drove their new streamlined staff car without fuss and reached Quicksilver heights to amazement of the village and everyone came out to see including merchants and the Alchemist Guild. The deep gnome acquaintance greeted them. They parked inside the new scavengers guild subordinate to the Man WIth No Names branch. He had refused an offer to replace his local master in the Flatspur guild by the nasty master of Shankheim. His lady rake companion was left here to manage the guild branch and it was growing fast and worked with a merchant who was based in the players fort.

They did find a help wanted note offering 1000gp to kill demon goat men who killed a merchants lover in another caravan. They met and took the contract and were given two survivors who told of how they were overcome by goatmen with bows. They were supposed to help party find the wrecked caravan for clues.

So on the way the priest questioned them with ESP magic and picked up their plan to betray the party to the chaos goatmen serving orcus cultists. After picking up the bad vibes and plot the pries stunned one with a spell and the party attacked. One was taken down by several attackers but other cast darkness and got a good distance before being knocked out. The priest reluctantly gave them a trial and the rogue offered to kill them quickly. So they went to the ambush point but not by the road and sneaking. The priest used clairvoyance in the air to see further and saw the monsters lair entry and two trenches 60m apart each side of the road. Each had six goatmen and a cultist.

The priest cast silence on the rogues magic blunderbus and he crept into one end of the trench while Rat Sonya in her infamous bikini and javelins came from the other side with occupants sandwiched in the middle in a slight arch. The Rogue blasted three goatmen and activated the guns confusion blast. The three had 1HP and one curled up in  a ball and the other lept out and the priest killed him with a petty slap spell. The evil priest cast fear on Sonya on the other side and several goats chased her. The priest ran up and splattered the priest from above. Three goats ran bleating but then the ones from the other trench were arriving. The rogue pulled out his carbine and shot the incoming priest.

The three fleeing goats returned and the priest killed more with petty spells. Rat sonya fled then recovered form the flee magic and used javelins until with last one turned on them. The rogue shot the last one in the back. A few tried to flee to lair and escaped leaping over rubble and bleating. 

They chased him but cautiously half speed and the rogue reloaded. They went into the dank wet hole with hoof and foot prints leading inward. Inside there was a chamber with a well in the centre a winding staircase down and two doors.

The rogue still with a silence sphere readied a lit fuse and got a bomb ready by stairs. The priest looked at the closest door and Rat Sonya listened at the well. She heard chanting cultists interrupted by bleating then shouting. The priest opened the door and saw 4 prisoners and the woman they were sent to avenge among them. He closed door to come back later. The rogue saw zombies marching and shortly after everyone did. The priest drove them off and the party followed to a vast cave and a cliff to their left between them and the sounds of cultists. The last zombies were fleeing back to unholy ground of the orcus shrine. The rogue used his new oath given spiderclimb spell and climbed to the top of the cavern over the orcus statue, three priests and 9 skeletons so got bombs ready. Rat sonya badly and noisily jumped and climbed to the clifftop and the cult saw her and sent the skeletons.

The goat mask priest sent one subordinate to get rat sonya. Then his command undead powers to send the undead back to the good templar. The priest of light vapourised the zombies with holy prayers then the skeletons. This was as the rogue lit fuses and dropped a grenaide and an incendiary. The two cultists were focused on the vengeance of light and ignored the bombs until they exploded blasting the lesser acolyte of evil into burning pieces. The wounded cult master of evil challenged one to one battle and charged the priest. He decided to accept and charged back. The cacking goat guru sneered it was a trick and struck the priest with rotting flesh rot of the mummy kings!

Rat sonya and her priest fought and the Rogue shot her foe in the back with his magic carbine of the fish folk. The good priest reprimanded the minion of evil and clubbed him to the ground. The rogue mopped up the wounded and they began to loot. They had a cure disease potion but the priest could wait a night and cure self for free. Suffering a disease to save money is probably some important moral lesson. The idol had cursed gem eyes of could they left them. Took some money and returned the hostages. 

People back in Quicksilver Heights began to see party return and all yelled with excitement. Second day the whole town came out to see them. They got triple the reward and a trade deal with the land of Mordnar and their own scavengers guild. They arranged to meet at the Dragonhill Mine the rogue wanted to see. They had made firm friends and the Gnome of the Gold Cube Cult bought all the loot. The Priest kept some spell scrolls he was permitted to abuse for goodness.     

They decided to scout ahead of the merchant caravan to Dragon Hill and went off trail to explore hexes never seen.

Hex 13 - grasslands with herds - two sources of smoke
One was an orc barbarian-controlled outpost with extra spiked steaks and dark colours. The second larger one was a barbarian horde staging post for the next anti magic crusade. Decided to back off. Behind the Orc outpost, they saw the bleak dead forest.

Hex 14 and 15 - dead forest rumoured to have elves and druidic wild folk 
Saw area of dark giant growing thorns and evil trees
When almost clear carniverous apes with bloody handprint body paint and greel long moss like hair with tiny flowers growing on them charged. The magic blunderbus confusion made the most damaged one believe snakes were crawling into wounds and freaking out. The enraged one next to it attacked. The fought and were hit by bombs and light spells.

Hex 20 - Broken lands where chased by a wholly rhino with poor sight. The priest airwalked to tops of rocks and the Rogue climbed up. Rat sonya used her squeeze powers to fit in a crack. The Rogue cast light from his ring on the beast which didn't blind it or stick but it fled unable to see attackers. 

Explored and found the outpost of the hex which seemed more brown and grey and overgrown on the edge of the famous Auldwood.

Saw huge cliff cravings in unfamiliar style hoping to find a place to camp and meet the caravan tomorrow. They didn't want to wander around the toxic wastes with pools of poison at night. Up closer it was a great Dwarf gatehouse complex quite ancient, predating the Apocalypse. As they came close Dwarf boar riders met them.

Turns out they had been observed and divination priests had been scanning the players and continued to detect signs of evil or chaos or enemies. They also knew the priests uniform and were curious. Got to do diplomacy with dwarf king and given dwarf noble suits that showed everyone's legs. Priest mentioned orcus and dwarves for confused with orcs and stated moaning about the orc problem. The party stayed an the rogue had a drinking contest and lost and rushed to hospital after the dwarf booze but the dwarves know it was an effort and the human gods had helped. There was a feast but the priest with rotting flesh really wanted to not drink and chatted with the dwarf under-mountain god. There was a deal to swap acolytes and the least popular dwarf who drank with the rogue showed him the hidden dwarf underclass.

The dwarf priests in their vast divination halls calculated when the party should leave to meet their caravan. It was a good meeting but like every faction they have beef with others. There was various Pleistocene monsters in the area.

Met their new merchants of Mordnar friends caravan and passed quickly through Hex 21 to the toxic wastes of Hex 23. It was hotter and smelled awful. It made your eyes burn. More reptiles too. Found the sprawling mines, each with a sign of the owners claim and many with slaves. Everyone was miserable and sick. The local outpost was occupied by the slavers guild. There was a road to the criminal kingdom of Valadran.

We wound up here but got lots done and glad I prepped but not presentable to people yet. Lots of this on the fly will be campaign canon now.

slavers payroll chest of 3000 silver and 200 gold in chest
20gp ring
bone flute
plush demon doll
goat costume
100gp incense
medal and ribbon 30gp
1586gp in a sack
500gp in a sack
1159gp in a sack
6cp 7sp loose coins in jar
gold rat - actually a simple golem and not 25gp
globe puzzle 100gp
rat form potion one hour
4 potions of water breathing
jade golem with mean face (not moving but "alive")


  1. I simply adore the character name "Rat Sonya".

    1. her and the flesh golem runt are best npcs in a long time. Various discusions abou rat nipples and bikini tops required. I liked our drop in player was keen to play a 7 foot tall rat lady and make quips.

      cheers for comment as always


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