
Saturday 7 September 2024

Under Chagrinspire

Sequel to d100 Underground entrances

This deals with underground passage types you can discover

Tunnels and passages are everywhere under Chagrinspire, sometimes overlapping or connecting. Each has its own character.

There are three great caverns under Chagrinspire almost a kilometre tall. 
One has a great grey gnome city of Gloomheim the greatest underland trade city of the underland. The 
Black Sphere gnomes came from here but are a minority faction.  

The second is a vast mushroom forest crawling with fell faerie and goblinoid folk and creepy crawling giant vermin. 

The third is a vast garbage dump with a kingdom of dumped automatons, beast folk tribes and worm cultists. There is also a ruined city of the old ones here back to the dawn age and used by the monster kings in the age of darkness and then necromances. The 
Black Sphere sealed the old ones city off and only allowed approved researchers inside not cultists. 

Black Sphere flesh golems
Weild a steel short spear and all others within 120 range are mindlinked in unison
 and pool and share HP. They are brutal destroyers and many become increasingly deranged so are sent to the front lines to be a river of mayhem and murder. When out of control they swarm in a group mind vs any other moving thing not in the group. When "killed" body parts will still twitch and move and can be recycled for new golems or seed new clones. Some compare these horrors with the stupidity of troll ancients breeding a regenerating war troll that replaced the old troll civilisation with chaos. New ones will obey Black Sphere commanders they trained with. The longer they live the more they revolt. They don't talk but understand orders. It's unclear if they feel, care, or think when created   

d12 Tunnel Types
1 Natural cavern tunnels lead to the great caverns under Chagrinspire decorated with prophetic cave art waning of the coming of the Black Sphere
2 Ancient burrows of living creatures giant worms, land sharks, mega bugs, kaiju and colossal beasts. Can be risky and random but often link to long-buried ruins or the deep caverns. They say trolls gnawed these passages in the earth like worms early in creation
3 Ancient dwarven underground highways, very straight, dug in the middle dawn age before modern humans existed, geometric designs with vast statues of forgotten dwarven gods and heroes. Side passages link to the greater caves under the wasteland. Underland traders use these to cross the continent and trade hidden from humans
4 Monster Kingdom underground highways, tunnelled to enemies to occupy them even underseas to link them to their slaver city buried by Shadelport today to other continents or under hazards like mountains. Many of these crawl with monsters, traps and curses. Link to the greater caves under the wasteland. After the fall of the monster age of darkness, they were used by the necromancer era peoples leaving undead everywhere
5 Kobold Highway is a dungeon complex built of redbrick built by kobolds who bound evil s[irits here to worship and bring the dungeons to life. Kobolds often live at gateways and bunkers on the highway stops and goblins or abhumans might claim these tunnels. Many surface links to places kobolds use including kobold-operated train stations and bases for train gangs 
6 Flooded caves and ancient tunnels are common and include underground rivers and the vast underwater lakes in the deep. Aquatic beings especially fish and frog folk will occupy these with passages to Lake Vinigar on the surface or deep cave lakes. There may be air filed chambers and ruins only accessible by water breathers or amphibians  
7 Goblin-infested mines often link to industrial sites on the surface and the underground fungus caverns especially. They trade with kobolds and operate ancient mines abandoned by the Black Sphere. Many sections are abandoned but noises will carry vast distances  
8 Sewers and drains of the ancients often connect to rivers and wetlands and even some deep caverns. Sewerage-dwelling telepathic tentacled horrors charge a toll of corpses and excrement to pass. Rat and frog folk battle here and fish folk sometimes scout them. Effluent from alchemical factories on the Plateau and across the waste are toxic mutagens
9 Pneumatic Tube Line a metal circular tunnel system mostly not functional as rats ate all the seals. Metal tube trains were sucked and pushed to stations and the system was a late edition which failed. Rust-eating monsters love it here but they do like other metals. Automatons don't come here. Some lines are functional often connecting to a black sphere outpost, automaton centre or laboratory. Some now operate with a air elemental behind and a void elemental in the front as the tubes were too difficult to seal and make airtight
10 Service tunnels often near the surface with various pipes (water, steam, oil, message pods) and cables (for magical energy-feeding Chagrinspire). Small golem carts were used some 2-4 passengers with 1in6 pull d6 trailers each seating. Skating and kill cart kobolds love these areas but automatons and grey gnome sapper troops may use them also  
11 Automated freight train line tunnels - intruders are treated like a disease by machines
12 Chagrinspire passenger train rail line tunnels radiate across the wasteland

d10 Under Chagrinspire Encounters
1 Demihumans
2 Humanoids
3 Abhumans
4 Humans
5 Beast
Slime & Fungi 
7 Undead
8 Created
9 Supernatural
10 Black Sphere

d100 Travellers To Meet
01 Dwarven adventurers strayed from their highway and know the closest path back 
02 Chaos dwarf berserkers demand battle
03 Derro slavers use magic to ambush travellers
04 Morlocks roam looking for food humanoids or dinner
05 Underworld gloomy elven nomad scouts seek a passage to a good camp
06 Nasty malicious elves from the roots of the world tree here to cause mischief
07 Elven adventurers scouting for signs of the Black Sphere revival
08 Grey gnome traders dislike their kin serving the black sphere faction
09 Grey gnome sappers with humanoid automatons and a mini tank golem or mole machine
10 Halfling adventurers might demand cash or offer experience as guides
11 Orc subterranean tribal hunters, the smaller light-shunning kind 
12 Orc barbarians seeking adventure and wizards to kill
13 Hobgoblin squad or reaction of soldiers on a long range patrol
14 Bugbear headhunters in an ambush or bugbear mercenaries charging a toll
15 Goblins riding bats or wolves or ants from underground tribe raiding
16 Goblin miners on way to a mine or market
17 Goblin shaman followers including fungoid abhumans and shroomling 
18 Goblin rat herders with giant rats to or from the market
19 Kobold traders or workers with pack geckos
20 Kobolds scouts or soldiers on the rampage
21 Young giants or ogres rambling on a youthful adventure
22 Frog or fish folk know best local flooded tunnels 
23 Cave or wild folk live as tribes in the deep and often seek to colonise a new cave
24 Rat or mole folk are often keen to eat surface people 
25 Lizard or dinosaur or snake or dragon folk adventurers led by a magician
26 Lamprey or bat folk seek blood to drink and for offerings to their demon gods
27 Ant or Isopod folk are common insect abhumans but other arthropods are possible
28 Reptlian troglodytes with a shaman trying to drive out rival species with stench and violence
29 Firenewts with a wizard and various fire lizards and fire toad pets
30 Elemental abhumans from colonies stranded in apocalypse war and now hide in the deeps or near elemental nodes or portals
31 Human barbarians here to smash magic stuff and kill wizards
32 Crusaders very lost (possibly generations and colourless)
33 Cult pilgrims seeking ancient secrets to get power and sacrifice or enslave with drugs or spells anyone they meet
34 Subterranean mutant tribe speaking ancient with tattered relics of ancients, they come from a ruined city in a great cavern ruled by a demon cult (thus many leave)
35 Androids soldiers made in Black Sphere lab often equipped with spears or veterans will have captured and learned other weapons and equipment
36 Clone soldiers made in Black Sphere lab often equipped with muskets and uniforms, all conditioned to be fighting for their families vs the outsider allies
37 Human adventurers from surface possibly lost and desperate and hungry
38 Lycanthropes looking for a lair and exploring
39 Scavengers from surface lost
40 Wizard with students and mercenaries exploring and looting
41 Owlbear or hook hand horror sniffing for meat
42 Ochre Hulk or tentacled sewer monster (will trade corpses for passage)
43 Purple worm or group of giant leeches or prehistoric colossal centipede
44 Giant crabs or lobsters or cave fisher
45 Giant beetles or arachnids or scorpions
46 Giant lizards or dinosaur or draconic monster
47 Chimeric hybrid magical monstrosity demands a toll
48 Giant mutated mostly blind cave creature
49 Swarm of vermin d41=rats 2=stirge 3=flies 4=crabs
50 Minotaur or giant or gang of ogres
51 Fungus abhumans often led by a magician
52 Slime abhumans are hideous gelatinous humanoid protoplasm 
53 Shroomlings a small fungus folk mostly friendly (reskin halflings)
54 Ambulant fungus beast that has teeth and a spore blast
55 Amber jelly often lurk in sewerage or come from drains
56 Screaming mushrooms
57 Explosive mushrooms
58 Spore-infected zombies controlled with fungal growths
59 Choking mould colony
60 Green slime
61 Zombie soldiers with skeleton archers
62 Ghouls led by a ghast
63 Wight warrior with a d4 half-strength new thralls
64 Spectral warriors 
65 Spectral spirits from ancient times may have information or want help to rest
66 Shadows ooze from dark cracks
67 Mummy with skeleton minions seeking stolen treasure
68 Undead giant reptiles or dinosaurs
69 Skeleton warrior with skeleton thralls
70 Poltergiest rattle and hurls rocks
71 Automaton soldier with musket or several
72 Automaton miniature steam tank 
73 Fleshgolem with broken mindlink to its kindred mindlessly rampaging
74 Shoggoth
75 Living statues
76 Gargoyles
77 Rock golem
78 Mole machine automaton gone berserk when crew killed
79 Automated repeating crossbow guard passage
80 Juggernaut as wide as passage here to clean up
81 Elemental
82 Minor devil or demon with cultists (might be demihumans)
83 Fire or frost salamander
84 Underground nature spirit is bored
85 Spirit folk changeling wanderer currently in human or humanoid form d12 1=spider 2=slug 3=rat 4=bat 5=mole 6=toad 7=badger 8=mushroom 9=fish 10=snake 11=newt 12=lizard
86 Plane-shifting spiders
87 Soul-eating black mist
88 Tentacle brain dimensional horror 
89 Spectral hounds from beyond
90 Invisible stalker guarding passage
91 Doppelganger spies made by the Black Sphere labs
92 Invisible grey gnome spies reporting to the Black Sphere
93 Alchemist leading clone or orc soldiers seeking rare ingredients
94 Cultists serving the Black Sphere seek lost records on beings they can summon to be summoned into the web of power of Chagrinspire to be consumed and help power the Black Sphere. They fight outsider and demon cults especially often with guns and clone or orc soldiers
95 Mole machine with squad of d4 1=grey gnome sappers 2=automaton infantry 3=clone soldiers 4=mindlinked fleshgolems, the machine is a oneway weapon to release a rampaging river of mindless violent flesh
96 Mutant scavengers commanded by a wizard more interested in looting than violence
97 Black Sphere alchemist controlling jacked zombies with control implants to dominate the animating spirits of the dead - these implants can be reused and they need more zombies to fight other Black Sphere factions 
98 Wraith commanding shadows search the underland for stolen keys required by the Black Sphere
99 Void elementals from beyond the cosmos seem to be attracted by Chagrinspire and come to eat souls or find worshipers so they can assume a physical demon form
100  The great leader (a clone) seeks to conquer the black sphere with an army of d4 1=orcs 2=clones 3=andoids 4=mutants. The leader seeks to capture ancient bunkers of secret weapons or factories to make soldiers and really believes they are the real despot from a thousand years ago. They will attack other leader clones and claim their followers

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