
Thursday 5 September 2024

d100 Stuff in a Scavengers Pockets

Just because players are killing lots of mooks in the wasteland 

Once you are off the trails to civilisation or between trading settlements these are the main people you meet in the waste. Most are rogues

d12 Common Scavenger Groups
3=escaped slaves 
4=crime guild
5=assassin guild
6=scouts guild 
7=explorers guild
8=smugglers guild 
9=slavers guild
11=bandit gang
demihumans in disguise or roll below

d12 Weird Scavenger Groups
secret ancient martial order against the black sphere 
5=spirit folk 
7=demon cult 
8=diabolic hell cult
9=undead or lycanthropes (bat and rat most common)
10=necromancer cult or undead
11=planar shapeshifter
12=servitors of the old ones or 
elder god cult

d10 Stuff in a Scavenger's Pockets

1 Trinkets
2 Paper
3 Vice
4 Treats
5 Books
6 Food
7 Gadgets
8 Tools
9 War
10 Magic

d100 Stuff in a Scavenger's Pockets
01 Copper coins 5d6
02 Sliver coins 3d6
03 Gold coins d6
04 Mother of pearl button 1gp
05 Pearl tiepin 30gp
06 Silver ring worth 30gp
07 Gold ring worth 100gp
08 Gold tooth with 10gp
09 Holy symbol 30gp
10 Wrist or pocket watch
11 Propaganda pamphlet for the black spere
12 Tin of ancient contraceptives d4, packet says longlife
13 Tiny crude comic depicting gods in a blasphemous manner
14 Ancient paper money folded into a wad
15 Wanted poster of a famous bandit
16 Map to something noting hazards and landmarks
17 Map of part of the wasteland with an unknown location marked
18 Train timetable
19 Saucy pinup poster for the cause of workplace safety 
20 Wallet with trench map and orders of the apocalypse war, could locate buried trench dugouts or sappers tunnels  
21 Red pills d6 gives +d3 HP for an hour, addictive
22 Small purple mushroom causes mutation if eaten
23 Tin with small ivory pipe and lotus resin
24 Silver hip flask of rum
25 Small healing potion bottle d4 of the cheap addictive kind
26 Pouch of swamp weed and clay pipe
27 Packet of 3d6 ancient cigarettes or box with a d6 cigars
28 Silver snuff tin with mutagen fluid
29 Large silver syringe
30 Glass pipe and bag of alien spores 
31 Tin of boiled fruit-flavoured lollies
32 Tin of salted lickerish mints
33 Tin of turkish delight
34 Block of chocolate ration
35 Block of "energy" chocolate +1 Vigour an hour and addictive
36 Block of chocolate laxatives
37 Bag of jelly babies
38 Tin of cinnamon chewing gum
39 Lollypop in a wrapper
40 Hard toffee in a tin
41 Magazine of ladies wearing trousers!
42 Pocketbook of Black Sphere maxims and inspiration
43 Tiny pocket booklet of tables for engineers
44 Catalogue for various ancient iron goods
45 Magazine about showgirls or underwear catalogue
46 Magazine about army life in the black sphere
47 Notebook of an Explorer detailing a ruin with loot but a peril
48 Diary of sad war poems and sketches of rats and bones and worms
49 Recipe book to make rations and canned gruel taste better 
50 Book detailing genetics of farmed giant rats for eating
51 Sandwich wrapped in wax paper d4 1=cheese & ham 2=cheese & chutney 3=rat 4=cheese & negamite the official nutrient extract spread of the black sphere
52 String of smoked spicy sausages xd6
53 Tin of raion meat stew
54 Tin of alchemical gruel food substitute
55 Tin of peaches in syrup
56 Tin of army biscuit with only a few weevils
57 Mystery meat jerky
58 Turnip or beet
59 Bunch of d4+2 carrots
60 A wormy potato
61 Pocket knife
62 Mess kit with cup, bowl, cutlery
63 Can opener
64 Trench tool folding spade and pick or weapon d6
65 Silver cigarette lighter, requires fuel or flints
66 Box of 4d6 waterproof matches
67 First aid kid a d6 filthy bandages
68 Sewing kit
69 Ivory comb 30gp
70 Folding small telescope
71 Hand saw
72 Hammer and d6 spikes
73 Spool of string
74 Folding shaving razor
75 Luminescant dried deep sea fish or mushroom
76 Chain, padlock and key
77 Small grappling hook and 9m line
78 Lock-picking tools
79 Rabbit trap
80 Screwdriver
81 Knuckle duster
82 Gasmask
83 Millitary insignia badges or patches 3d4
84 Protective goggles
85 Stick of dynamite or cast iron grenade with fuse
86 Folding knife
87 Trench periscope
88 Thermos of hot d4 1=mushroom soup 2=milk 3=tea 4=baked beans
89 Ancient grenade with pin and a 2+d8 second fuse d4 1=smoke 2=fragmentation 3=poison gas 4=plague miasma
90 Blackjack or lead sap for knockout attacks
91 Bayonete +1 with insignia and inscription of ancient faction
92 Magical scroll in a bone case
93 Magical potion in ancient sealed botlle
94 Bottle of magical wine of courage, makes drinker immune to fear for one hour
95 Fetish Medalion +d3 save vs d4 1=poison 2=disease 3=paralasys 4=
96 No-Mans Gators allow you to walk through mud without sinking or leaving tracks
97 Trench Club d6+2 and makes no noise
98 Medics Bag - has infinite dressings and bandages for first aid use (if not used on wounds vanish back to the bag, if you keep trying the bag won't work for the user). Has a large popular healing god insignia 
99 Helmet or protection vs non-magic missiles in the form of ancient millitary helmet d4 1=skull insignia and a spike 2=shiny brass cavalry helmet with brush crest 3=grim steel riveted sappers helmet with eye and breathing slits
100 Gasmask with an exotic arrangement of pipes and pack, ignores poison gas or airborne disease and can see through smoke or gas or fog clouds. It is comfortable for hours and comes in different colours


  1. I live in the city that picture was taken! We're kinda a mess, but the buildings and mishmash of architecture here are awesome!

    1. amazing - thankyou

      im collecting deco architecture for ideas for this setting - its a decopunk post apoc setting in the middle of a generic fantasy world

  2. I will get myself down there and get some shots for ya.


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