
Monday 29 July 2024

d12 When Wicked Murder Hobos Arrive In the Village

Everybody run! The murder hobo gang are in town!

It takes a good murder hobo to stop a bad one!

Or maybe the party give off vibes of bad adventurers with their black hooded cloaks and bloody bandaged wounds.

d12  Wicked Murder Hobos Arrive In the Village
1 Take over the tavern at weapon point and make lecherous advances on anyone sub-average or better
2 Kill local sheriff or bailiff or beadles and hold up local store
3 Declare this village full of cultists and start attacking everybody in sight to cleanse it with fire
4 While the gang drinks several thieves in party ransack village, if caught the rest of the gang rescue them and they move on
5 Start opening family tombs and graves just in case have undead in them
6 Drink the tavern dry then start a violent rampage
7 Pick fights with locals for looking at them funny, demand money from villagers
8 Plant evidence on local so they can frame them and claim reward money d4 1=traitor 2=smuggler 3=cultist 4=criminal
9 Seduce some local youths to join them on an adventure as pole-bearers and lamp-barers
10 Seize various goods and then more into caves to start a bandit gang, possibly supported by a wicked noble from a rival territory
11 Murder hobos promised to marry some youths then left them, breaching their promises and stealing dowries
12 Murder hobo gang hunt a benevolent woodland being the locals like

d12  What the Villagers Do
1 Hide with children and valuables in a shelter or cellars until adventurers go
2 Villager offers them poisoned wine, and might use some flirtation to separate adventurers
3 Angry mobs led by a local leader or priest hunt the adventurers to hang or burn them
4 Millitia meets and hunts adventurers with any extra bodies they can conscript to help them. Prefer to try to imprison adventurers and confiscate their stuff
5 Call for help from a travelling knight or local freedom-fighting bandits
6 Someone makes a deal with local monsters or a witch for help
7 Prey to ancestors who arise as undead by night to avenge the villagers
8 Send a runner to the lord to bring soldiers
9 Priest confronts adventurers rebuking them and threatening to curse them
10 Archers ger on roof and tree tops while ppl defend their houses
11 Some retired old timers kit up in their old armour and weapons
12 Send word to the good adventurers rumoured to be in the area

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