
Thursday 11 July 2024

1956 Marvel Weird Investigations

Chagrinspire vol 1 and 2 up and getting more revisions
over a hundred gatehouse dungeon rooms in next instalment 

Recently game heroes have been taking up cases of UFO investigation that the government has had problems with, So this is for these situations, Will use ideas from previous tables in this series.

In my campaign, Russia and USA had a handshake in space as a response to the constant UFO activity and alien infiltration. Aliens are helping humans develop mass media, suburbia, supermarkets and freeways. Nuclear armaments and power in space is classified as high priority with capitalists and communists operating but the USA wants 3 nuclear warships in space. A nuclear orbital interceptor is being built for 4.7 billion dollars to chase UFOs. 

Found a Venusian heretic colony and a ruined city of the old ones with a mega shoggoth. Blew up caves and almost got lured through a time portal by some starfish-headed elder race gone feral looking for dinner. Shadow shot found an alien orb that drained his reason and added to his strength. Plans to recover from this with karma earnings in the game as its a saving for strength at the cost of being thick for a while.

Increasingly humans find aliens helping and hindering their efforts in space travel. 

One player divided aliens into these 4:
want earth kept a reservation for poor simple human interests
want earth kept 
a reservation to keep humans ignorant savages
want earth an open world and humans to join the galactic civilisations
want earth an open world and its species available for exploitation  

Also This Table

d12 Alien Soldiers
1 Cloned or surgical composite human soldiers
2 Cyborged or implanted human soldiers
3 Mutant humans with strange powers, most hideous 
4 Zombies or shambling reanimated human corpses 
5 Super soldiers who might be living among the superhuman community
6 Replicant synthetic humanoids to infiltrate, kill and replace humans
7 Humanoid machines or androids using human equipment
8 Space mercenaries or alien star legion of varied species
9 Changelings liquid shapeshifter infiltration unit can adopt human form, melt when exposed
10 Cyborg or robot soldiers

 Alien clone infantry in power armour 
12 Alien clone soldiers 
in mecha battle pod or tripod

d12 Alien Soldier Kit (common kit, better exists)
1 Marine Armoured space suit Ex armour with coms
2 Gd Flight pack
3 Gd energy pistol and gd energy truncheon
4 Ex-energy rifle 
5 Rm heavy energy weapon (area explosive blast)
6 Forcefield projectors or shield drone start from Gd 
7 Rm energy grenade drone
8 Ex paralysis grenade drone
9 Gd gun drone some are Ex
10 Gd energy truncheon or force sword or energy whip
11 Smart Missile Tube In often 2 shots & armour piercing
 Heavy Rm power suit with flight and Rm energy weapon

d12 Alien Minions
1 Humanoid 6m tall Rm robots with heavy energy beam
2 Pack hunting quadruped scout like d4=raptor 2=cyberwolf 3=robot panthers 4=
3 Monsterous alien animal with dangerous super power d4 1=rhino shoots lightning bolts from horn 2=laser eyed space dragon 3=acid squirting giant space slug 4=
4 Flying drones d4 1=energy sphere 2=hologram 3=robot bird 4=crystal orb
5 Wheeled robot with energy weapons and tentacles like an indoor tank
6 Swarm of insect like drones can attack shield, build and other tasks
7 Transforming mecha can absorb machines and vehichles
8 MIB - hybrid, cyborg or changeling agents for dealing with humans with human tech
9 Mutated Monster with powers possibly once human and highly varied from creature to creatiure
10 Non material entity from overspace can possess targets and use bodies as tools, humans damaged by such beings unlike superhumans
11 Dimensional beings from overspace can teleport and pass through walls
12 Kaiju monster awakened or controlled as a weapon 

d10 Types
1 Disappearance
2 Heists
4 Mob violence
5 Mad fiends
6 Disaster
7 Espionage
8 Paranormal
Close encounters
10 Invasion

d100 1956 Marvel Weird Investigations
01 Jimmy Kribble child of the Agate 
family jewellery estate has been kidnapped by mysterious persons (its heir-jumping relatives)
02 Ace reporter Sylvester Newton on the crime beat has been missing for 3 days 
03 Criminal accountant Donny Canelone is on the ru and several gangs looking for him fearing the feds might make a deal with him
04 Quirky orphan Buster O'Brady has not been seen in days by anyone and other urchins are asking if anyone has seen him
05 Starlet Lana Leopold has been kidnapped from a film set by mobster fans for blackmail
06 Charity fund manager vanishes with fortune
07 Radio news gal and everybody pal, Monika Sellers was snatched from the studio live by masked gangsters
08 Gang tried kidnapping jury members on a case to help their boss
09 Government investigator of air crashes disappeared from own home
10 Guard from top secret airforce x-base has gone AWOL and must be found
11 Gangsters have been on bank hold up spree, several times a day
12 Casino has been robbed and gangs searching town for the theives
13 Someone dug into a bank vault and took all the gold bullion, they used some kind of machine and had tiny feet
14 Daredevil masked motorcyclists have been raiding criminal gambling houses
15 Thieves tried to steal a cursed Egyptian mommy awakening the monster 
16 Crooks steal a robot and use it for raids on technology labs and supervillain evidence lockers 
17 Secret files stolen from the research lab and safely opened by mysterious means
18 Criminals raid a retired superhero base for gadgets, vehicles and weapons 
19 Thieves steal a mysterious relic found in prehistoric alien ruins
20 Super criminal thief dares heroes to stop them by a certain deadline on television and radio
21 Killer shot a police prosecutor and mayor wants the gang responsible stopped
22 Foriegn assassin rumoured to be in town for a hit but people only know the killer's trade name and nothing about them
23 Killer shot an airforce general working on X projects
24 The Puritan Killer, a vigilante killer tried to kill swinging new sensation and heartthrob Seymore Jones. and all the hip-swinging devil music pedlars
25 Drug crazed beatnik with knife stabs several people on the street
26 Gangster who shot a cop in the back holed up with a hostage in a gas station
27 Mob boss killed starting gang war as accusations fly wildly, was started by a ex mobster wanting revenge. If heroes on trail frame them for gang murders
28 Drunk driver on rampage hits pedestrians
29 Drug addict nervously holding up people with zip gun, and will shoot if anyone sets off paranoia
30 Mob hitman attacking bouncers of one crime syndicate, who sent him?
31 Gang of angry locals chasing a teen mutant see in area
32 Teenage gangs brawling some have improvised weapons
33 Teenage gangs racing hotrods and dangerous driving
34 Mob enforcers wipe our rival gang wedding
35 Armed gun battle in street between rival gangs
36 Car chase with rival armed gangsters battling
37 Strange new theme gang of psychopaths increasing violence and territory
38 Anti communist vigilantes meeting in street to burn and smash anything fishy
39 Racist secret society in hoods marching proudly in bizarre uniforms with guns
40 Local vigilantes have caught a possible criminal and plan to execute them
41 Cabbie Killer murders a cabdriver and takes their heads somewhere
42 Canibal Hobo a serial killer roams the streets and preys on the homeless or anyone who looks funny at him
43 Procrustes killer makes deathtraps in people's beds on a vindictive killing spree. People say has a lair where he makes and tests the killer beds 
44 Paranoid man shoots people convinced they are secretly aliens, sees more the more he looks
45 Clan of cannibal farmers on the run after Horror House raided
46 Corpses disappearing all over city theories include cannibalism, undead, cults or scientists
47 Super powered madman has been attacking people who they think wronged them
48 Influential commie beatnik cult leader has been kidnapping and drugging attractive teens and killing people who try legal action on them
49 Sinister murder house strikes again police sure its a serial killer 
50 Gang of bikers raiding small crossroad country roadhouses and tormenting locals, kidnapping and robbing them
51 Arsonists starting fires near defence docks
52 Cargo ship was sunk and cargo stollen, fishermen claim it was taken by Davey Jones 
53 Aircraft crash and mysterious men in black investigating wreckage looking for something, the plane saw some strange lights before crashing
54 Bushfires in hills around city and volunteers are helping efforts and even crime drops
55 Power failure and gangs loot shopping districts
56 Research lab sabotaged and creates a superhuman freak that goes on a rampage
57 Industrial accident activated a victim's mutant powers
58 Truck lost some isotopes and some creatures and people have been maimed and mutated
59 Scientists have created or released a monster or some strange life-like force
60 Someone tried to steal parts of a nuclear weapon and managed to walk through walls and kill with a radioactive touch
61 Spies on the run from authorities with secret missile plans
62 Agent killed trying to sabotage a cargo rocket, more are expected 
63 Plastic surgery duplicate infiltrators of a foreign power have targeted science, millitary and government
64 Foriegn spy was meant to meet a superhuman agent and died before naming them, now the spooks wanna know if a mole super human is at work
65 Foreign agents running a brainwashing camp in secret disguised as a camp or 
66 Superhumans are being questioned for unheroic activities in public hearings
67 Delegates meeting to plan future alien defence were attacked on the way by a saucer, someone linked to the project had an alien implant that could be used to trap the enemy 
68 Clinic has been brainwashing victims to be unwitting spies
69 Secret spy school for freelancers has been established in secret by a former disgraced spymaster
70 Scientist who was wildly speculating on some madcap idea has been kidnapped and whoever it is probably will want to move him. Now the authorities are interested in his work
71 Cults chased by police sacrificed a lawyer
72 Students performing a strange ritual from an old book claim to have summoned a star deamon that is now murdering the summoners one by one 
73 A gruesome seal hunter ghost from colonial times has been murdering and killing people on the coastline
74 A paranormal presence in the city is agitating supernatural beings and spirits increasing in recent sightings. Mad street preacher warns the end is coming
75 A ghostly astronaut has been seen at the space centre scaring personnel
76 Shambling slimy creature has been seen by river docklands, some say it is th ghost of Old Hamish McGruder
77 Hell house home of a former devil cult seems to be somehow, lashing out and killing people mysteriously and newspapers are sending in journalists for the night. The cult of the demon have started a ritual nearby to help the journalists
78 Cultist unleashes alien space demon on enemies
79 Someone finds an ancient creature imprisoned in secret and accidentally released it
80 A cult have placed monoliths around the city to summon their dark lord or some mindless cosmic behemoth from beyond. The cult is rich and have uniformed goods and a villainous champion who leads their raids on museums and libraries
81 A psychic on TV claims to talk to aliens
82 A lighthouse has reported lights at sea
83 Airliners have been buzzed by strange lights
84 Someone saw a saucer with humanoids inside looking out
85 Farmers saw a humanoid in a strange breather suit appear during the mists their town has been getting
86 Strange fog covers town and every adult woman has a miracle pregnancy
87 Alien seeds grow from a meteor and terrorise several people before the horrors of weakness is discovered
88 Astronaut trying to land being buzzed by flying saucers
89 UFO shot down by airforce needs to be held until the army arrive
90 Antarctic crashed alien saucer found under the ice
91 Alien pests, growing masses of alien fungus or vegetation, giant bugs, robots, monolith crystals or vermin grow out of control part of alien terraforming. Possibly are tests or a on sentient invasion
92 Aliens operate apartment complexes to farm people for their babies
93 Saucers attack civic monuments and kidnap earthlings
94 Alien super humanoids come to test how powerful earthlings are in a battle with the greatest champions of Earth
95 Alien troop exercise with infantry with support mech or assault vehicles 
96 Aliens arrive to build a portal for their invasion fleet
97 Mass exposure of aliens in disguise in infiltration missions or hybrid colony
98 Alien predatory hunters come to blast humans into bloody splatters for fun and trophies
99 Saucer lands and demands leaders surrender, it works sometimes 
100 Alien giving people superhuman powers 

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